Are You Becoming More Like Christ?

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Growing in grace means to increase in Christlikeness through the unmerited power of God’s Spirit. Are you relying on the Holy Spirit to make you more like Jesus — in your home, your relationships, your job?

This question applies especially to mature Christians, those who have built a spiritual foundation over the years through regular Bible study, a consistent prayer life, and godly instruction. After all your studying, praying and learning, are you becoming more like Jesus? Are you more compassionate, meek, merciful and forgiving than you were at this time last year? Or has your growth been stunted and settled on a plateau of zero growth?

The apostle Peter describes an awesome day coming when the heavens will pass away, the earth’s elements will melt, and everything in creation will dissolve. Therefore, he says, we should continually be prepared and longing for our Lord’s return: “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness” (2 Peter 3:17, KJV).

Peter’s warning in verse 17, “lest ye also,” presents a strong challenge to believers. He is confronting us, saying, “You’re a lover of Jesus. You claim to be ready and yearning for the Lord’s return; in fact, you’re always warning others to do the same. But are you an example to the rest of Christ’s church in your walk? Or do you live as if Jesus isn’t ever coming back? Be careful, because you can also be led away by the error of the wicked.”

This “error of the wicked” is the mistaken idea that Jesus isn’t really at the door. This results in a lack of concern, a tragic complacency, a carelessness demonstrated in conversation and lifestyle at this late hour.

You may testify that you’re saved, justified, sanctified; you’ve escaped the lusts of this wicked age; you’re blessed with intimate knowledge of Jesus. But Peter warns, “There is a danger of being led astray from growth, back into the bondage of bitterness and revenge. You can become unkind, unmerciful, unforgiving.”

Be sure that you are growing in grace! God has been merciful to you, so be merciful to others.