Fortitude for Spiritual Roadblocks

Gary Wilkerson

The apostle Paul accomplished incredible things for the cause of Christ. He oversaw churches throughout Asia and some parts of Europe while also serving as an evangelist and apologist. A true scholar, he made the case for Christ before courts and kings.

Paul was determined to take the gospel of Christ to the very epicenter of the world — Rome — and in Acts 27 we read about his journey to Italy. In this journey, he and his shipmates met severe resistance: “The winds were against us” (Acts 27:4). This was an obstacle of nature, but Paul might easily have seen it as a spiritual roadblock.

Paul’s ship eventually crashed onto the rocks, shattering into pieces, but he barely blinked when disaster came. He encouraged his men, “There will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul’ … Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me’” (Acts 27:22-24).

Paul had endured many tribulations to that point, and he was able to endure it all because his mind was always set on his mission: living, preaching and serving Christ. Every Christian is called to proclaim the grace of God to a fallen, sinful world. We are to minister to the poor, to love one another, and to worship together in true gospel community. In short, we are called to deliver God’s love to others through our words and actions so that the world might be changed. In doing all these things we bring the light of Christ to a world in darkness.  

Christians who choose to sit on the sidelines of faith — going to church for comfort only — won’t get much resistance from the enemy. But if you are a believer who is determined to live for Jesus and you have a gospel vision for the lost and hurting, you will have Satan’s arsenal unleashed on you.

Paul never took his eyes off his calling, which was Christ. That’s why he was so calm throughout the storm. Be encouraged to follow the voice of the Master! He is in control and will never steer you in the wrong direction.