Out of the Dark

Gary Wilkerson

“In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, ‘Flee like a bird to your mountain, for behold, the wicked bend the bow; they have fitted their arrow to the string to shoot in the dark at the upright in heart’”(Psalm 11:1-2, ESV).

Psalm 11 starts with a problem and ends with a promise. In between, it addresses three questions we have about our troubling darkness and the assaults that come upon us.

When we are in need, we seek the Lord’s face for the light of his countenance to show us a way forward. He is our reliable source when we’re confused, drained, and overwhelmed by the dark. David, the author of this psalm, knew he had a place to go in his darkness. He opened by writing, “In the Lord I take refuge.” David was telling us we have hope of escape in our time of suffering and difficulty, and the Lord is the safe one to whom we can bring our cries. 

It is one thing to suffer through times of darkness when we bring it on ourselves through a lifestyle of sinful behaviors. In that case, we expect arrows to come. For the upright in heart, however, endlessly suffering in the dark is troubling to the soul. 

What do we do when we are endlessly shot with arrows in the dark? Like David, we seek a haven of safety in God. David was resolute in trusting the Lord rather than fleeing. This shows us how it is possible for us to worship in the midst of our unending dark. 

Wherever you find yourself today, whether triumphing over difficulties or in the midst of a test, you can fly away to the high place God has made for you in his presence, away from all fear and despondency and into his holy temple where his unlimited power is available to you. “For the Lord is righteous; he loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold his face” (Psalm 11:7).

To all who suffer and despair, his joy will come; his hope will sustain, and his grace will cover and carry you. You will emerge from the dark with the strength of victory to his great glory. 

This devotional has been adapted from Gary Wilkerson’s book, The Altar of Our Hearts: An Expository Devotional on the Psalms.