There is Always Hope

Gary Wilkerson

Some things in life are completely out of our control. For instance, you cannot bring back a prodigal child and force him to return to his relationship with Christ. No matter how much you fast and cry out his name to God, the decision is his. Numerous other things in life present similar challenges but if you know the One who can move mountains, there is always hope.

The wonderful thing about life in Christ is that we get to engage in amazing things we couldn’t do on our own. In fact, Jesus calls us to participate with him in accomplishing what we cannot do ourselves: see lost loved ones come to faith; see broken marriages restored and healed; see unsaved people in our community rescued from a hopeless eternity. Through our faith in Jesus, we get to see — and even take part in — things achieved by his power, majesty and authority.

In Hebrews 11, there is a list of biblical figures who pleased God: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, David, Samuel, and a host of others. They are commended not for their talents or achievements but for trusting God to do what was beyond their abilities. Together they comprise “a huge cloud of witnesses to the life of faith” (see Hebrews 12:1).

To attain that life of faith, we are urged to lay aside every weight that prevents us from trusting (12:1). Many Christians are weighed down by unbelief because they look to their circumstances more than to the God who controls all circumstances. Be assured that what God has promised can never be thwarted.

When God promised Abraham that he would be the father of all nations, Abraham knew he and his wife Sarah were too old to have children. Yet, “He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief” (Romans 4:20). In fact, according to the Word of God, his faith grew even stronger. The more Abraham figured, “I can’t do this,” the stronger his faith in God’s ability grew. And through the death of his flesh came a power that was not of himself — the power of the Holy Spirit.

We all are called to do what we can for Christ’s kingdom — and more. In order to see God’s purposes accomplished in your life, he asks only that you trust him by living a life of faith.
