A Warning Against a Watered-Down Gospel

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The one great concern of our heavenly Father is that no “other gospel” will take us away from the cross of Jesus Christ. Many Christians have had their faith shipwrecked because they were given a flattering word years ago, perhaps something like this: “You’re going to have a great ministry and win thousands of souls to the Lord,” and not one word of it came to pass. Now those sheep are totally discouraged, their faith on the ash heap.

If you are going to receive a word from the Lord, let it be from Scripture. Better yet, let it be from your precious time spent in the prayer closet with Jesus. Let your closest godly friends test that word with you to confirm it; otherwise, if you allow anything to get in the way of the true gospel, you will end up in despair.

Paul was concerned about a dangerous invasion against Christ’s church when he told the Ephesians: “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (Acts 20:30). The Greek word for “perverse” here means obstinate persistence in promoting an error.

Paul was warning, “Some of you in authority will rise up and bring in a distorted gospel, introducing a corruption of the pure gospel.” How could this possibly happen among the leaders of this church? Notice, Paul was not referring to wolves or robbers of widows. No, he was referring to ministers who cower and shrink back from preaching the whole counsel of God — those who present a watered-down gospel, a half-gospel, only a part of God’s Word.

It is the responsibility of every believer to be sure you are sitting under the teaching of a good shepherd, one who preaches the whole, uncompromised Word of God.  Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). This means that the minister of God will lay down all his pride and fear of man to feed his flock God’s pure Word. Be certain you settle for nothing less.