

  • The Theological Error of "WhatHowWhen"


    Carter Conlon

    Discouragement comes when we begin to lose courage on our forward journey. Sometimes the journey we have crafted for our future is partly true and partly fiction. We fall into the theological error of “WhatHowWhen” when we know what God has promised us but we want to tell him “how” and “when” to do it. In the midst of all our discouragement Jesus still comes and reminds us that He will never leave us of forsake us. Be encouraged, the plan that God decreed for your life is still unfolding and it will happen in God’s time and in His way.

  • Unshakeable Last Day Worship


    Carter Conlon


    There is a moment coming to this world where everything that’s manmade and everything that professes to be to be of God will. In spite of the darkness that will be on the world, there will be a people who are going to sing a song of glory who have an unshakable ability to worship in these last days. This song cannot be sung if your value system is still in the world. As the land grows darker those who have Heaven’s value system (which is a value system for souls) those who have Calvary’s Kingdom planted in their heart will understand God’s keeping power and His willingness to forgive. We must learn to sing and rejoice that we are left on this earth for the sake of the people who need to know God.

  • The Sudden Shaming Of Your Enemies


    Carter Conlon

    Don’t be deceived into to thinking you can have the worship of God and have your sin too. You humiliated the devil the day you came to Christ and Jesus made an open display against the powers of darkness but now your mortally wounded by an enemy you let live and you sit in the House of God disguising your sin. It’s time to get to higher ground and move to where the Cross is. Today, humble yourself, pull of your disguise and the Lord will receive your prayer and shame the devil. Today don’t reject the voice of God lest your compromise swallow you up.

  • When Christians Make Mistakes


    Carter Conlon

    Have you ever been disappointed in God? Are you among those sitting in the house of God feeling a little outside of it all, wondering if your relationship with God could ever be the way it once was? In these seasons we are prone to make the mistakes. Discouragement and bitterness against God come into the heart when the plan doesn’t move forward like we thought it should move forward. Your plans may have amounted to nothing but God’s plan is still ongoing and God’s plan is the best plan of all. God hasn’t written you off, He has not forgotten you and the best for your life is yet to come. Today, if you are hungry and thirsty come home to God.

  • It's That Simple


    Tim Dilena


    We have all fallen short because of the sin issue. The entire world has received a citation from God and we can’t pay it. Those who God passionately loves are in a condition that God passionately hates. No man can make himself a Christian, God Sent His Son to die for the sin of man and only God can make man a Christian. We don’t get good and come to Jesus, we come to Jesus and He gives us His goodness. Admit you’re a sinner, believe Jesus for forgiveness and freedom and He will fix your sin condition―it’s that simple.

  • God Has an Attitude


    Tim Dilena

    God has offered salvation to every single person. It has nothing to do with how we’ve acted in the past or what life has dragged us through. The only issue that matters is belief in Jesus. The beauty of the gospel lies in its overwhelming simplicity. Tim Dilena talks about the way that God address the world, sin, his Son, those who believe, and those who do not.

  • A Thief in a Parking Lot


    Carter Conlon

    The thief has come to kill your future and family, to steal your joy and hope and to kill your effectiveness on earth. The devil will have us believe we will always be in pursuit of a victory we will never catch. Today we are reminded that we have been given weaponry in Christ to pursue the kingdom of darkness and pulldown strongholds. As the Church of Jesus Christ we should stop sniffling and stand up against Satan because we have a General that is so powerful that the mention of His name can fold up the universe. Everyone has a plan until somebody punches them in the mouth—it’s time to punch the devil in the mouth.