

  • Finding Christ Again


    Michael Petillo

    If we are honest, we will admit that we don’t see much life in the church today. The Bible tells us that this Christian life is supernatural, and it only becomes active as we grow in our revelation of Christ. That means having a willingness to let God call you into some uncomfortable places. Pastor Michael Petillo shares about two areas where Jesus is personally challenging him—finances and sacrificial prayer. As we give of ourselves for others, we will find Christ again.

  • Your Family's Greatest Season


    Gary Wilkerson

    How do you change your family's destiny? Perhaps there is a history of addiction, abuse or dysfunction. Or maybe your family is good, but how do you move them to great? It takes one person stepping up and drawing a line in the sand. No matter your family history, you can be the forerunner for a new generation that lives for God.

  • Conquering Cynicism


    Gary Wilkerson

    When things don't go how you expect, it is easy to become cynical. Hope and faith quickly turn to doubt and negativity. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the biblical story of Elijah and the widow. Here is a woman who has every reason to be cynical, yet she chooses to believe God, and through her faith sees God's miraculous blessing in her life. Moses and the people of Israel, too, could have given in to cynicism, but through their faith they see a miraculous deliverance.

  • The God of Jacob


    Michael Petillo

    Do you ever feel like you've blown it with God? Perhaps you keep making the same mistakes over and over. You may even end up isolated with no support from your friends, family or church. Pastor Michael Petillo looks at the lives of Jacob and Paul to show us that even when we mess up, God is still with us. We can't sit in unbelief, but must get up and press forward in faith.

  • Favor Follows You


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson shares a message of encouragement for those who find themselves in a difficult season. You find yourself asking, "How long, Lord?!" You need a breakthrough. Hold on! Don't give up! God has already prepared the answer. Endure and believe Jesus for the victory.

  • Your Season of Increase


    Gary Wilkerson

    Many Christians are going through this life discouraged and defeated. There’s a longing that there has to be more to this Christian life than they are experiencing. Pastor Gary Wilkerson encourages those who are currently in a season of stagnation. God wants to bless his people beyond what they can even imagine to ask. He wants to increase your joy and faith in the midst of hardships. God desires that you would abound in love and righteousness. Your season of increase is here!

  • You're Blessed, Not Cursed


    Gary Wilkerson

    Many of us walk through life as if we are cursed, rather than blessed. We feel like we've let God down so much that he has removed his blessing from our life. This is an old covenant way of thinking. Under the new covenant, Jesus rescued us from the curse. In Christ, you are blessed!

  • I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee

    Carter Conlon

    In 2009 God is calling His church to "go forward". We will not have an ability to go forward if we are not right with God. We have been called to be an extension to God's goodness to a dying world. If our central focus is to live for the betterment of others, then even the bitter things will become sweet to us. There is still a Lamb for every house. There is power, provision and protection in Christ. We must make haste and get right with God so we can be a testimony of His provision and power. In Christ everyday is a new beginning where the impossible becomes possible.