

  • A Surety For Uncertain Times


    Neil Rhodes

    We all face uncertain times in life. Like Jacob, we can feel fearful and lonely. Things may not go the way we expected. We are left with nothing but a word from God. Be encouraged. You are the beloved child of a loving Heavenly Father who cares for you and wants to bless you.

  • How to Live Happy


    Gary Wilkerson

    We live a generation that has more money, entertainment, modern conveniences and medical advances than ever in history. Yet, we are one of the most depressed, unhappy and bored generations of all time. Many Christians have an incorrect belief that we are not meant to be happy. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at many scriptures and scholars that demonstrate that God does indeed want his people to be happy.



    Gary Wilkerson

    Every Christian life should have a must. It’s a calling and a purpose that goes beyond the everyday have-to’s and the personal ambition of want-to’s. It’s more than a ministry or an occupation—it’s your entire life. Your must will require you to move—activated by faith, not stuck in fear. As you step out and trust God to fulfill your must, you will experience more—heaven in you impacting this earth for Jesus. There is a world around us church, desperately crying out for more. It’s time for you to move into your must!

  • The Unbreakable Word of God


    Gary Wilkerson

    We are living in a generation in which the Bible is attacked by culture and society. The Word of God is diminished, and its goodness and relevance are doubted—even amongst a growing number of Christians. Pastor Gary Wilkerson exhorts the church to not only read their Bible, but to study it, know it, and stand upon its truth and authority.

  • The Covering

    Carter Conlon

    A prudent person takes an honest inventory of their heart. When we realize that our own efforts can only get us so far, we must forsake the limitations of our own strength and strategies, and come under the covering and power that Jesus has to supply for us.

  • Rest


    Michael Petillo

    Many of us, if we are honest, would admit that we don’t really have rest in our hearts and minds. The pressures of life keep us stressed and on edge. We wonder if we are doing enough or good enough. While some are facing legitimate tests and hardships. Scripture promises rest for God’s people, but we just aren’t experiencing it. Are we the ones the Bible warns won’t enter into God’s rest? Pastor Michael Petillo looks at the keys to entering into the rest that is promised through imperishable seed of Christ living inside every believer.

  • The Radical Results of the Resurrection


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson concludes our study of the Gospel of John by looking at the resurrection of Jesus. Most of us know why Jesus died, but why was he raised from the dead? What did it accomplish? When we understand the purpose of Christ's resurrection, we will walk in power over fear and unbelief, and live with a passion that draws ourselves and others to his presence.

  • A Promise Of Extraordinary Life

    Carter Conlon

    God wants to bring us out of the ordinary into the extraordinary power and plan of God. What’s keeping you in blindness? The devil cannot hold a child of God captive. If you are willing to be sent, God will open your eyes and the touch of His power will be yours. Today, come to Jesus and let Him open your eyes.

  • Walking in Divine Authority


    Gary Wilkerson

    The Bible warns us that we will face tough times, but it also promises that we will have power to say, "Peace be still!" when storms come. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the life of Elijah to show us how we can walk in this divine authority that God promises. As the days grow darker, it will become increasingly important that we have powerful words directly from God, rather than living off the echoes of words He has spoken to others.

  • For Heaven's Sake, Hurry Up and Die

    Carter Conlon

    As sons and daughters of God we must cross a bridge into something bigger and deeper of God. As we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, we will die to our own life and live for the purposes of God. Today, let us ask God to help us to die to ourselves and live for others. Jesus will give you divine strength to live in the midst of a fallen society.