

  • Bend, Bow or Burn

    Carter Conlon

    The world and all the powers of darkness continually rage against the testimony of Jesus Christ. If we are praying for an awakening be prepared to face opposition. As Christians, we are to take courage and refuse to bow down to the powers of darkness. Be fearless in the face of opposition, don’t stop praying and prepare to take a journey that will bring glory to God.

  • Zealous and Consumed


    Gary Wilkerson

    In this fourth installment of our sermon series from the Gospel of John, Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the passages about Jesus cleansing the temple. Christ is consumed with zeal for his house. God doesn't want his house to be a place of consumerism—focused all on ourselves. He wants to remove things that clutter and distract us from walking in holiness. As he empties us, he wants to fill us with more zeal for him and his kingdom purposes.

  • Free at Last

    William Carrol

    This message is for those who know God has set you free, but because of difficult circumstances you don’t feel free. Biblical freedom is not based on traditions of men or feelings, but it’s based upon what Jesus did on Calvary and the truth of His Word. As God’s people we are immersed in the Holy Spirit and free from the dominion of sin and the sting of death. We are eternally free because of Jesus Christ.

  • When the Wine Runs Out


    Gary Wilkerson

    As we continue our sermon series in the book of John, Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at John chapter two, where Jesus turns water into wine. There was the physical miracle, but it also has spiritual implications. Wine, or the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, can run dry in our life. We must continually be filled afresh. And as God pours into us, we are meant to pour out our lives for others.

  • The Fourth Person In The Flood

    Carter Conlon

    Don’t be ashamed to be identified with Jesus Christ in these last days. Be willing to let God build in you the testimony that He has determined for your life. We are the fourth person in the flood, so bend your knee to God so that we can lead others into the safety of Jesus Christ.

  • Come and You Will See


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson continues our sermon series "Hunger-Satisfying, Thirst-Quenching Jesus" from the book of John. In this second sermon Jesus invites us to come and see. What will we see? In Jesus we see one who is greater than us and truly knows us, yet he stands among us and accepts us where we are. We see one who takes away the sin of the world and one on whom the Spirit remains. Christ offers us greater things and an open heaven, so that through our lives he can touch others and start a movement.

  • The Real Jesus


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson starts a new sermon series "Hunger-Satisfying, Thirst-Quenching Jesus" from the book of John. In this first sermon he talks about "The Real Jesus." We can have an image of Jesus that is distorted because of our past or our preferences. It is vital that we have a complete image of Jesus, and also receive Him in fullness. He is the Word of God—making the Father known. He is the Light of God—shining into darkness with illumination and clarity. He is the Glory of God—a weightiness and soberness that brings honor to the Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is anything that is robbing you of the fullness and glory of God in your life.

  • The Other Side of the Open Door


    Carter Conlon

    The days we live in can be dark and confusing, but even darker days are coming. We're not to be afraid. God sets before us an open door and invites us to walk through. What is this open door? It is the door of faith—trusting in who he is and that he will use your life for his glory. He will cause you to stand in difficult times as a testimony to those who have no hope. Christ in you is the hope of glory!

  • Expect CO 2014 – It's All About Jesus

    Jim Cymbala

    Pastor Jim Cymbala exhorts pastors and church leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference to focus on Jesus. Our lives are called to bear much fruit and in God's economy that is souls. Worship, studies and revelation are all great, but our primary objective in this world is to see people come to Jesus.