

  • Expect CO 2014 – Good News

    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson shares with pastors and church leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference about the importance of knowing who you are in Christ. Many of us, if we're honest, have at least one negative thing we believe about ourselves—failure, stupid, reject, etc. Lies we believe about ourselves are often rooted in lies we believe about God. We tend to focus on the negative—even with the Gospel. We were sinners, but now we are redeemed in Christ. That's good news church!

  • Expect CO 2014 – Renewed in Expect - Part 2

    Claude Houde

    Pastor Claude Houde continues encouraging the pastors and church leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference to be renewed in God's presence. The church must return to fresh revelation and complete trust in the Gospel to touch our world. We must reunite and be revived, knowing that God fights for us when we stand together. We are God's voice in this generation, proclaiming with boldness that the Gospel of Jesus Christ still has power.

  • Expect CO 2014 – It's All About Jesus

    Jim Cymbala

    Pastor Jim Cymbala exhorts pastors and church leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference to focus on Jesus. Our lives are called to bear much fruit and in God's economy that is souls. Worship, studies and revelation are all great, but our primary objective in this world is to see people come to Jesus.

  • Expect CO 2014 – Free People Free People

    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson encourages pastors and leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference to believe God for his promises in the Bible. We can't expect to lead others into the freedom that Jesus offers if we ourselves aren't believing it and living it. Prayerfully examine your heart and life for patterns of sin and brokenness. Then have faith-filled expectation to believe God for the abundant life of freedom he promises in the New Covenant.

  • Expect CO 2014 – The Success That Leads to Failure

    Jim Cymbala

    Pastor Jim Cymbala shares at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference about Asa. When he became king, he led a spiritual reformation and was an outstanding leader. About 30 years later, he totally turned his back on God—depending on strategy and human effort rather than God.

  • Expect CO 2014 - How Warm Is Your Ministry?

    Carter Conlon

    Pastor Carter Conlon exhorts pastors and church leaders at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference not to settle for a warm ministry. In these last days a casual Christianity will not cut it. People are deeply wounded, fearful and Jesus is their last hope. We must have a burden for the struggles of people, as Jesus did. This burden only comes from prayer. God help us to pray!

  • Expect CO 2014 – Renewed in Expect - Part 1

    Claude Houde

    Pastor Claude Houde shares at the EXPECT 2014 Church Leadership Conference about the importance of regularly being renewed in God. There are new threats coming against us and the gospel all the time. There is no vision for the things of God when we are not being encouraged and strengthened in God's presence

  • Do You Not Know…?


    Gary Wilkerson

    Several times in his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul asks, "Do you not know...?" What you know about God and who you are in Christ will greatly affect your life and how you treat others. It goes beyond head knowledge and must be heart revelation. You are a saint with weapons of righteousness in your left and right hands. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are God's beloved child with whom he is well pleased.

  • Unrelenting Faith


    Neil Rhodes

    The last spoken words of Jesus on the cross were, "Into thy hands I commit my spirit." Jesus never stopped obeying the Father even on the cross—he lived in perfect submission to his last breath. In total faith he gave his life into the hands of God. Through the cross Jesus brought man back into full fellowship with the Father, so we can return to the place of faith and confidence in God. We can go anywhere in the world for God, knowing he will keep us, provide for us, and supply all we will ever need to accomplish his will in the earth.