

  • His Staff & Rod

    John Bailey

    What does it mean to be a leader in submission to other leaders? In this session, John Bailey examines the story of young David as he worked under King Saul and how this season prepared David to be a humble leader. Leadership can be lonely business, and leaders can come under so many blows in the service of the Lord. When we feel as if no one around us cares for our soul, it trains us to rely on God in an unusual way.

  • The God or Nothing Ministry

    Carter Conlon

    Nothing can stand in for the power of God truly being present among God’s people. In this session, Carter Conlon appeals to believers to not settle for knowledge about the Lord when they could have the Father’s living presence among them. In the book of Acts, people were coming from the temple where they had received accurate biblical teaching, but they were not transformed until they encountered the Holy Spirit moving powerfully through the disciples. The same holds true for believers and the church today.

  • Putting Robes Over Scars

    Tim Dilena

    Life is difficult and often leaves us deeply wounded. In this session, Tim Dilena discusses some of the reasons why God allows us to go through horrific circumstances. Out of the lives of Joseph and King Hezekiah, he illustrates the purpose God has for his servants as wounds heal into scars. Lord builds character and the fruits of his Spirit quicker in a wounded heart that has been surrendered into his hands than in anyone who is strong, competent and skilled in their own right.

  • What Kind of King Is Jesus?

    Gary Wilkerson

    How do church leaders respond when they are tired of fighting for the church? In this session, Gary Wilkerson discusses the passage in Matthew 4 where Christ fasts for 40 days then is tempted by the devil. He addresses the questions of “What kinds of temptations will leaders experience while they are at the head of a church or ministry? How do pastors experience a passion for God where they do not grow weary of doing good?” Gary points to where scripture addresses these issues and directs leaders to God’s heart for his church.

  • Exclamation Points & Question Marks

    Tim Dilena

    Sometimes our convictions from the Spirit are turned into uncertain questions in the middle of trials. In this session, Tim Dilena examines John the Baptist’s declaration “Here is the Lamb of God!” which turned into a question about if Jesus was the Messiah after John was put in prison. God loves when his children are honest with him about their fears and doubts, and he wants to straighten our question marks into exclamations once again.

  • Not Living Up to Your Label

    Nicky Cruz

    At some point in our lives we all get labeled by others, and some of us carry those labels until the day we die. Once applied, labels are hard to remove. They become self-fulfilling prophecies that affect how we live our lives. Jabez, from birth, was called “pain” but he didn't let this label direct his life. Instead, he asked God to give him a life contrary to his label. Let God give you a life that lets you live contrary to the negative labels that have been applied to you.

  • A Good Soldier of Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-13)

    Joshua West

    Do we need deeper levels of the Spirit in order to be a successful Christian and powerfully share the gospel? This week, Joshua West discusses what it means to have the power of the Spirit in ourselves. He explores what it means to grow stagnate in our faith, how to focus our calling and mission, and what exactly the Apostle Paul meant when he commanded Timothy to 'be strengthened by the grace' in Christ. Grace has power to sustain God's children as they do battle against evil in a dark world.

  • The Mountain and the Garden

    Gary Wilkerson

    When we wrestle ourselves into a position of power and authority, we often lose the experience of God blessing and gifting us. Heaven's methods of blessing are not "fair" by human standards, and we often become frustrated by this if we are someone who feels like we should receive priority or a larger portion. In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson discusses why we struggle with this mentality and how God wants to invite us into a better, more generous way of living.

  • What Can God Do in Three Weeks?

    Gary Wilkerson

    Have you ever begged God to do something quickly? In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson explores how we respond to God when he moves so slowly that we wonder if he will ever act or when the Lord so fast that we struggle to believe that it's him. We expect God to act on our timeline, addressing the needs we think are a top priority, but our Father often has other ideas. He wants to press us like olive oil until we are spiritually refined, and a significant part of that is learning to trust God's timelines.

  • Called to Guard the Good Deposit (2 Timothy 1:1-18)

    Joshua West

    What do we do in the face of preachers that go against the very plain teaching of scripture? How do we handle being discouraged by problems in the church? In this study of 2 Timothy, Joshua West discusses what exactly the Apostle Paul meant when he commanded his young protégé to 'guard the good deposit.' Every believe must work hard to hold fast to our faith while opposed by very real opposition and problems.