Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

One of the first responsibilities of humans recorded in the Bible was to care for the Garden of Eden. With the fall of man, the task of providing food and other resources became far more complex than God originally intended. For the working poor in impoverished communities this is especially true. In rural areas, people struggle with changing climate conditions, pollution and depleted soil that make traditional agricultural methods less fruitful than they once were. In cities and towns, people with little education struggle to find jobs that pay enough to ensure the security their families need. Our local trainers equip community-based groups with the knowledge to achieve better results at minimal cost. We offer basic agricultural trainings and local consultations that teach people about crop rotation, fish farming, pest control, and kitchen gardens that introduce healthy fruits and vegetables into people’s diets. Sometimes, World Challenge supplies matching grants to multiply the effects of resources participants have raised locally. Savings groups, co-ops and micro-enterprise trainings help participants save up the money to start and run successful small businesses. Illiterate people have a much harder time starting successful businesses and we therefore offer community-based literacy programs for adults who never had the opportunity to attend school.

The UN estimates that, since the COVID pandemic, an additional 100 million people has been pushed into poverty.

World Challenge’s partners are finding creative ways to support and bless church leaders in some of the world’s countries that are most closed off

God is reaching and restoring the lives of widows, one elderly woman in particular, through unexpected means: a posho vegetable shop. 

Distance, struggles, pain and Satan’s lies can cause us to question God, our faith, and our impact for the kingdom of heaven.