David Wilkerson

Most sermons on Pentecost focus on the signs and wonders which were done by the apostles. Or they emphasize the three thousand people saved in one day, or the tongues of fire that appeared. But we do not often hear of an event that has become the largest source of wonder - and returned a large crowd in their countries, with a perennial and unmistakable knowledge of who Jesus is.
You've heard of signs and wonders. I want to tell you about the "miracles" mentioned this story. In one night, panels "for sale" appeared on houses throughout Jerusalem and its environs. Scripture says: "All who believed were together, and had all things in common. They sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according to the needs of each ... For there was no needy among them: those who owned lands or houses sold them, and brought the price of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need "(Acts 2: 44-45 and 4: 34-35).
Can you imagine the scene in Jerusalem? Multitudes of houses, farms and their land was suddenly sold. All properties were also sold: furniture, clothing, handmade objects, pots and pans, artwork. In the streets, in markets, at every door, hundreds of signs must have said: "Property for Sale." It must have been the biggest garage sale in the history of Jerusalem.
There is no evidence in Scripture that the homes sold were the main homes of their owners. And there is no mention of a life in community. If this had occurred, it would have placed an impossible burden to bear on the Church. The Word of God clearly command Christians to provide for their families and their children. These believers would not have to obey this commandment if they did not have their own homes. Moreover, we read that they were going at each other in fellowship: "They broke bread in their homes" (2:46). Obviously, these people still owned their home.
No, the possessions they sold were things they had too much, they did not need, things that were not essential to their survival. In some cases, they certainly had assumed great importance in the heart of the owner. While the property was sold, converted into money and donated to help the widows, orphans and homeless from the church.
This is the testimony of Pentecost. The world has seen these believers made capable of loving one another, selling their goods, giving to those in need. And that is exactly what the Holy Spirit wanted them. He desired a living testimony of God's love in the world. They proclaimed the gospel of Christ by their actions.