Christ is healing and setting free the demon-oppressed in Southeast Asia!

When we read about Jesus healing the demonically oppressed, we may try to envision what that might have looked like to the disciples. Our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia have witnessed such healings firsthand.

Our workers found a man who was suffering from a terrible illness. This man had been sick for several years He had visited a local doctor many times, trying to find a cure for his illness, but nothing worked.

Finally, he entered the local church and our workers started talking to him. When they heard his story, they could see clearly how tormented he was, so they began sharing about God and the hope that he gives his followers through Christ. The man asked how he could receive Jesus’s presence in his life, so our workers led him through prayer to dedicate his life to God.

They decided to also pray over the man’s illness, to see if God would heal him. While they were praying, he began to cough. Leaning over, the man coughed up something that looked like a black and gray stone. Immediately, he felt restored and well!

In regions of severe spiritual darkness, oppression by evil spirits is something that our partners on the field must be prepared to face. They know that only Jesus can set the oppressed free from dark forces, and they’ve seen his mighty power at work.

Thanks to your prayers and support, our partners in Southeast Asia are making a real difference in lives, bringing healing and salvation through Christ.