In regions hostile to Christianity, some pay the ultimate price.

Being a disciple of Christ in areas of the Muslim World is dangerous. *Salem’s brother knew this when he dedicated his life to Jesus. Salem and his family were devout Muslims, so his brother’s conversion horrified them. Not only had he begun worshipping Christ, but he was also sharing the gospel with others.

A group of men approached Salem and asked him to help them find his brother. Feeling pressure as a Muslim, but also because of the shame of having a Christian family member, Salem lent his hand to the hunters.

The mob descended on his brother’s hiding spot and killed him. This should have purged the shame from Salem’s family, but instead he felt a heavy weight around his neck. He thought often about his brother and wondered why he would die for this heretical belief.

Salem began searching for more information about the Bible. A year later he devoted himself to Jesus! Salem is now encouraged by World Challenge workers who help believers who face severe challenges because of their faith.

“My brother is in heaven,” Salem shared, “and I will join him there one day.” That day may come for Salem sooner than most, if the men who murdered his brother find him. Until then, he is a living testimony of Christ’s transformative power.

Your support and prayers allow us to send workers to every part of the world, especially to its most difficult corners.

*Not real name. For our ministry partners’ security, we don’t release names or locations in highly sensitive areas.