

  • Biblical Justice vs. Social Justice - Psalm 17 - Part 2

    Gary Wilkerson

    Why should the idea of God’s judgment give you peace? In this episode, Gary Wilkerson talks about how holy justness looks very different from the secular world’s social justice. As believers, that difference should be a great comfort us, but first we must have a solid understanding of the Lord’s righteousness and justice.

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  • Biblical Justice vs. Social Justice - Psalm 17 - Part 1

    Gary Wilkerson

    Why should the idea of God’s judgment give you peace? In this episode, Gary Wilkerson talks about how holy justness looks very different from the secular world’s social justice. As believers, that difference should be a great comfort us, but first we must have a solid understanding of the Lord’s righteousness and justice.

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  • Preservation of the Saints - Psalm 16

    How can believers say, “God is our refuge” when hundreds of thousands are persecuted for the faith every day? In this episode, Gary Wilkerson looks at how God tends his people’s hearts throughout hardship and wants to use us to bless and build the church.

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  • Who Can Stand Before a Holy God? - Psalm 15

    Gary Wilkerson

    Psalm 15 could sound like a series of impossible legalistic demands, but Gary Wilkerson shows how it emphasizes the importance of God’s holiness and invites his children into a true posture of worship. Those who are in awe of our holy Lord will not be tempted or shaken by the world.

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  • The Generation of the Righteous - Psalm 14

    Gary Wilkerson

    Why is it so important for believers to go against the common culture? Gary Wilkerson explores the answers to this question as he walks through this psalm. He invites listeners to consider how unrighteousness manifests in each generation and how the people of God combat it.

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  • The Touch of God

    Gary Wilkerson

    What does a life look like that has the touch of God on it? In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson explores what it means for us when our lives have God's fire. The opposite of having our hearts revived by the Holy Spirit is a moral, religious life filled with our own efforts. It has no power to inspire others and start real change. Only when we are living under God's touch will we live with power and have true impact on the world around us. Gary discusses the different ways that we cultivate a life like that.

  • Jesus Promised You Would Stand in the Storm

    Carter Conlon

    If the church builds itself on anything other than God's truth, it will utterly collapse in the coming storm. For those who build their lives on the truth of scripture and the Spirit, they will stand no matter what comes against them. In this sermon, Carter Conlon gives a passionate appeal for believers to lean on nothing except the Lord who saves. We must resist the modern trend of creating 'our own truth' and building a mix-and-match version of Christianity that ignores the totality of scripture.