From Legalism to Liberty

Discover how Pastor Lee Shipp transitioned from a legalistic understanding of faith to embracing the fullness of God's grace. This episode explores the transformative power of realizing that salvation and sanctification are through faith alone, leading to a church revitalized by love, joy, and freedom in Christ. 

Key Points from the Podcast

·     Pastor Lee Shipp from First New Testament Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, shares his journey from a legalistic understanding of Christianity to embracing the grace of God.

·     The discussion begins with defining legalism as the belief that one's actions can contribute to salvation, which contrasts with salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

·     Pastor Lee shares his personal revelation of grace, where God made it clear that despite his efforts, it was solely the work of Jesus that made salvation possible.

·     He recounts a transformative period where God stripped away his pride, ambition, and self-image, bringing him to a deeper understanding and reliance on God's love and grace.

·     The transformation led to a raw and open ministry style, where Pastor Lee shared his struggles and revelations, resonating deeply with his congregation and fostering a church culture centered on grace and love.

·     The episode discusses the challenges of transitioning a church's theology and practice from a legalistic framework to one centered on grace, including resistance from some members.

·     Pastor Lee observes the profound impact that embracing grace had on the church, including an explosion of joy, love, and spontaneous service among the congregation.

·     He emphasizes that true holiness and righteousness are found only in Jesus Christ, not through human efforts, and that understanding grace leads to genuine repentance and a life transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast

 Romans 4; 1 Corinthians 15

About Lee Shipp

Pastor Lee Shipp is the founder and pastor of First New Testament Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. With a ministry spanning over thirty years, Pastor Shipp has been dedicated to ministering God's Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. His approach to leadership is characterized by a deep devotion to his Savior and a profound love for the scriptures. Under his guidance, First New Testament Church has become a vibrant community of believers, deeply rooted in the grace and love of Christ. Pastor Shipp's ministry extends beyond his local church, as he has also been involved in teaching and preaching around the world through conferences, camp meetings, and revivals, sharing the transformative power of God's grace and encouraging believers to live a life fully surrendered to Jesus.

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About John Bailey

Pastor John Bailey is the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at World Challenge. After giving his life to Christ in the Tampa City jail, John felt that the Lord placed in him a great hunger to know Christ and study God’s Word. John spent 12 years discipling young leaders and was then called to pastor and evangelize in Western Europe for 10 years.   

In 2011, John, his wife, Crista, and two children returned to Jacksonville, Florida to plant The Springs Church. After over a decade of ministry in Jacksonville, John was invited by Gary Wilkerson to come and serve at World Challenge. Today, John gives vision and direction to World Challenge as well as serving as a keynote speaker, author and conference speaker. His life’s purpose is to seek a genuine awakening of God’s Spirit in America and around the world.

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