Andreas Steffensen

Around the world, churches and our partners are working together to bless their communities caught in the coronavirus pandemic.

Since March 24th, the Cuban government has shut down grocery stores, with a few exceptions, to ration food supplies throughout the country. For many locals even being able to eat one meal a day has become a struggle.

Despite this appalling nationwide issue, there is still hope. Many people our teams work with are sharing their crops with the community. One elderly lady donated her sewing machine to the team so that our volunteers could make masks for those going into the city to scour for food. However they can, people want to bless one another.

Caring for One Another in India

In India, a lot of people are daily laborers who are only able to save small amounts for the future. The coronavirus lockdown has put many in dire straits. Our partners there are providing food for families in need and also teaching people how to make hand wash, sanitizer and face masks. Several of our Christian community groups are now sewing cotton masks and making hand sanitizers for their community members.

One village chief along with our partners has been spraying bleach powder around parts of the community and also spreading awareness about good hygiene to avoid disease transmission.

Valuable Education in Africa

Our partners in Kenya are passionate about helping their community and educating them about the effects of COVID-19. Ministry workers have been teaching people about the virus, methods to prevent transmission, and practical ways everyone can help the community. They were some of the first in their region to start sanitizing public places.

Our team has worked together to create radio programs on preventing COVID and also God’s promises in the midst of fearful times. Now pastors in Kenya, Liberia and Burundi are using these lessons to reach millions of people through the radio.

All over the world, we are working together with our partners to help bring education, encouragement and eternal hope to those in need.