

  • Questions We Need to Know the Answers To

    Teresa Conlon

    This message asks three questions. Two are asked by humankind and the other God asks us. First, if God is with us why is there so much evil and atrocity? Secondly, can God prepare a table in the wilderness? How is it that so many of us find time to question God but we never take the time to listen long enough until He answers. God desires to settle every question in our heart and even more than that, He will reveal to us that HE IS THE ANSWER. If these questions have been running through your mind this message is for you. Lastly, God is asking us IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? Allow this question to sift every area of your heart until His truth creates a pathway through your heart and mind into the miraculous provision of Jesus Christ!

  • Thy Kingdom Come

    Carter Conlon

    The kingdom of God is not an exterior kingdom, it is interior. The Kingdom of God is within us. Jesus said the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with outward show. It is a work that God is doing in us. It is Christ Himself coming into our heart to sit down and commune with us and bring us into the plan of God. The Kingdom is an interior work of God does in the heart. When the kingdom of God is set up in our heart we will put all our dreams at the feet of Jesus and be moved with compassion to leave our security until we finds the lost sheep and bring them home to the Father's House. Will you open up your heart to the cry of this generation? It starts with this cry: THY KINGDOM COME!

  • The Zeal of the Lord

    William Carrol

    No matter what the devil throws at us God's church will prevail. We must never surrender to the lies of the devil and allow him to take the ministry and the gifts that God has given us to use for his evil purposes. When the enemy comes in like a flood run into your prayer closet and remind yourself of the promises of God. God will reveal Himself to us and show us that no matter how dark it looks and how bleak the times are God has chosen to glorify His name through His church who call on His name. God draws us into His covenant and covers us through His mercy and faithfulness. The zeal of the Lord will do this!

  • An Eclipse of Faith


    David Wilkerson

    An eclipse is when the moon passes between the earth and the sun and everything becomes dark. If we are walking close to Jesus and we are men and women of prayer, seeking God with all our hearts, our faith will have an eclipse. The devil wants to numb our minds with problems and difficulties. He wants to come between our God and our vision of His mercy and faithfulness to block out the SUN. If we don't recognize the hand of the enemy behind this sifting, we will be defeated. The way out of this eclipse is to BELIEVE and REST in the LOVE that God has for us. God will allow your faith to be tested to show you how He rejoices over you and is RESTING in His love for you.

  • Going from Jealousy to a Grace Filled Life

    Gary Wilkerson

    The story of Cain and Abel reveals how jealousy robs us of the life God intends. It wounds those around us, and harms our own soul. Recognizing the deeper cause of jealousy can open up a new way to live with grace and joy.

  • 'Tis Not the Season to Be Discouraged

    Carter Conlon

    The Christmas season for many is a time of loneliness and discouragement. There is a moment in everyone's life when God will come and whisper His truth in our hearts, that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE when Christ is at the center of our lives. God has the power to break us into pieces and consume us, and He would be be completely justified in doing so, but it is not in His heart to do so. Christmas is a season that reminds us that no matter how many times we fail Him, He sent His son Jesus to carry us through our journey. God walks with those who walk with Him. He restores, He gives strength, He gives hope and provision. This season we are lovingly reminded that the supernatural life of Christ is entwined with the natural life of man and we become a new creation. This Christmas listen to the still small voice of Jesus and let Him fill your heart with JOY.

  • Jesus Is Always the Answer

    Ben Crandall

    Jesus is the answer to every problem and every situation. We don’t have to look anywhere else. He has everything under control. The answer is not in relationships, it is not in success, it is not in riches and whatever else we try to find fulfillment in. After you have tried everything and realize nothing can satisfy, turn to Jesus because He is ALL WE WILL EVER NEED.

  • God Will Feed You in the Wilderness

    Carter Conlon

    This message is for those who are in a wilderness season and because they look in the mirror in the natural they can't see where strength and provision will come from. Many turn back right at the place where they will begin to discover and enter into the supernatural life of God. When we are in unbelief we begin to limit God by doubting that He could supply what we need and take us where He is calling us to go. The central core of unbelief is that God's way is incomplete and we must help Him bring His plan to pass. If you are sitting in unbelief, remove yourself from that place and grab on to the promises of God. We must learn how to trust God for strength and provision. Don't pray to get out of the situation, pray that you may find supernatural life in it. God is looking for people who have come through the wilderness with a voice of triumph to speak to the next generation. Do you believe that God CAN, or will you limit the Holy One of Israel?

  • When You Don't Know What to Do

    Carter Conlon

    This message is for people who are in a particular situation and don’t know what to do. The first thing to do is to go to the Cross. At the cross you will find LIFE and all the POWER of God that you will need. Secondly, begin to love your mom, wife, husband, brother and those around you. There is going to be a last days church that will come back to the Cross, trusting God for the power to forgive those who wounded us. A supernatural love and care will come upon us, for those around us. In this Cross-centered church, the hearts of the fathers will be turned to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.

  • Is It Better to Be Married or Single?

    Neil Rhodes

    This is a topic that comes to mind from time to time. There are people who are married and unhappy and they want to be single again. There are singles who deeply desire to be married. Whether we are married or single there is an anointing from God for the seasons that we are in. When we put down the desire to be married in the natural, we will begin to live under the power and grace of God. Single people have an incredible opportunity to serve God and care for the things He cares about. Married couples are also admonished to have the same passion and care for the things of God that singles have. God gives an incredible grace and anointing to both married couples and singles. The anwer is, both are acceptable by God.