• The Way to True Spiritual Awakening

    The Way to True Spiritual Awakening

    Carter Conlon

    Only the Word of God has the power to create and recreate. Spiritual awakening is when God speaks and He has free course in our hearts and there is no resistance to His voice. When God finds a heart that does not resist His spoken Word the miraculous starts to happen. He speaks with intelligent speech and the power behind His words begins to shape and reshape our lives. If we are truly His and have given ourselves to the Lord we don't resist what He speaks into our hearts, but rather embrace it as the highest way of life. God is calling us to believe what He has already spoken and wants us to bind ourselves to His Word by faith.

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  • The Purest Measure of Spiritual Success

    The Purest Measure of Spiritual Success

    Carter Conlon

    As Christians we are left upon this earth to Glorify Jesus. We best glorify Him by allowing that which is the deepest embodiment of His character to be manifested in and through our lives. There is a longing in every lost person we come in contact with to come back to their Creator. Are our lives a manifestation of the heart of God? When we encounter people that God sends our way do they see and hear Christ in us? The purest measure of success comes when there is a true manifestation of God's love the individual people that God allows to come across our paths.

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  • Blessed are the Merciful

    Blessed are the Merciful

    William Carrol

    Sometimes it is hard to hear the Lord's voice because of conflicting emotions. This message is about a type of mercy that has a militant mindset, a kind of mercy that not only chooses to stand its ground and not give way to hatred or bitterness. This is a militant forgiveness that insists upon loving. It is as forgiveness goes to war and chooses to fight for souls. God is calling us to see Him standing at the right hand of all power, totally embracing the forgiveness that He has purchased for us with His own blood. As a response to that revelation, the Holy Spirit will empower us to forgive those who continually wound and oppress us.

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  • Binding God to His Own Word

    Binding God to His Own Word

    David Wilkerson

    We are invited to come boldly to the Throne of Grace, "Christ Possessed", knowing He is Our Father and He is also our King. When God speaks and makes a decree He speaks by His Living Word and He is bound to His own promises and divine purposes. We cannot go into God's presence without a promise from His Word. When God speaks a word to you don't consult with your flesh and don't allow your feelings of unworthiness to affect your prayers. We are to come boldly with a fixed position, believing the truth and power of His Word. We do not try to persuade God, but rather are fully persuaded with a fixed position to the faithfulness of His Word.

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  • The Amazing Change that Christ Brings

    The Amazing Change that Christ Brings

    Patrick Pierre

    When we come to Christ by Faith, He will begin to do a work in us and all things will become new. When God begins to speak to our hearts all darkness and confusion will be driven out. God knows what we are going through and the temptations we face. As we begin to surrender our hearts to Him, He will begin to point out areas where we are striving and laboring so He can give us rest.

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  • A Target of Satan's Envy

    A Target of Satan's Envy

    David Wilkerson

    This is a word for those who are going through difficult times, mentally, spiritually or physically. If you have decided to cross the line of lukewarmness and you are fully surrendered to the Lord's purposes you will become a target for Satan. Nothing shakes the kingdom of hell more than a praying Christian who is sold out for Jesus. When Satan recognizes this fire in us he will attempt to torment our minds with evil thoughts of past failures and sin. His plan is to neutralize our spiritual fight. God is calling us to get our focus off our afflictions and sin and go back to the New Covenant and declare Jesus to be the Highest Authority than anything the devil can throw at us.

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  • When Unforgiveness Begs for Mercy

    When Unforgiveness Begs for Mercy

    Carter Conlon

    The human heart has the ability to take something evil and refashion it in our thinking and call it good. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and this wisdom is understanding that God means what God says. We cannot alter His standard. The Bible clearly says if we forgive each other He will forgive us, but if we will not forgive others neither will He forgive us. Many of us will never grow in Grace because we are not willing to forgive those who have wounded us. Forgiveness is not an option it is a commandment from God. Jesus Christ has provided everything we need to forgive.

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  • The Last Days of the Wicked and the Righteous

    The Last Days of the Wicked and the Righteous

    Carter Conlon

    There is a season coming when everything that is not Christ's will be washed away. Society will not be aware of these times. These are days when the gospel that speaks of the Cross and living righteously for God will be ignored. There will be many who have walked with Jesus and they will fall away from truth. In this generation there has to be a cry in our hearts that says, "Jesus give me the courage not to go back to what I left behind." There is an anointing that will be released in those that have this cry and God will be glorified in and through their lives.

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  • When Tears Come to a Religious Man's House

    When Tears Come to a Religious Man's House

    Carter Conlon

    When Jesus comes to a religious man's home the religious man will not touch the feet of Jesus because the dirt of this world is on them. He doesn't want this dirt on his hands because it offends his religion. The fruit of this religion that does not have the heart of God in it is a cold formality and skepticism. When was the last time you raised up your hands to God and thanked Him for what He has done in your life and His faithfulness? Tears of gratitude refresh Jesus. These tears come from a genuine work of God and a worship that remembers where He brought us from and that He is the source of my work.

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  • Why Do Some Battles Never Go Away?

    Why Do Some Battles Never Go Away?

    Carter Conlon

    For what reason would God allow a battle to remain in my life over which He could give me the victory in a moment of time? The devil will try to captivate us and attempt to convince us that the battles we face are bigger than the Christ in us. God will leave these trials in our life to train our hands for war and to cause us to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand our enemies are already defeated but we still need to go to Jesus to get the resources and to stand in faith. If we lose sight of God in these trials we will turn to human reasoning and begin to follow our own sensual nature and desires.

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