The Forbearance of God

Gary Wilkerson

In Revelation, Jesus said, “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot!” (Revelation 3:15, ESV). Some translations say, “I would rather you be hot or cold but not lukewarm.” That little phrase “I would rather” is the difference between someone who is against you and someone who is for you.   

If anyone is going to say “I would rather” about things in my life, I want it to be Jesus. When Jesus says, “I would rather you be on fire for God,” you can be assured that he is launching an all-out campaign, pulling out all available resources of heaven on your behalf to turn your lukewarmness to fire to bring you back to him.

Jesus continued by saying, “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will…” (Revelations 3:16). I love that Jesus said, “I will” because he could have said, “I have.”  

It is good news for lukewarm people that he is planning ways to bring them back into the fire of God. It is good because even though Jesus despises that taste in his mouth, his love is grand. The wrath-quenching love of the Lamb of God has been so poured out upon us that even when we are far from what he desires us to be, he hasn’t spit us out. 

The early church fathers called this the forbearance of God. What is forbearance? It is God’s patience and bearing with us even in our lukewarmness. He doesn’t love your lukewarmness, but he loves you. His grace, plans, and power are all available right now to recapture your heart as you respond in obedience to Jesus Christ. 

Jesus also said to the lukewarm, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). Jesus is lovingly and patiently knocking on the door of our hearts, calling us to a relationship with him.