Hope for the Brokenhearted
We all know Christians who lost their marriage, their business failed, their children fell away from faith or a spouse died. Despite their most desperate pleas to God, they felt their world fall apart. However, his healing power comforted them through it all, restoring their broken heart and bringing them to life.
One of the most vibrant examples of this is a woman who has inspired generations: Joni Eareckson Tada. Joni was paralyzed in a diving accident and confined to a wheelchair. She prayed for physical healing that never came. However, great healing took place, not in Joni’s body but in her heart.
Joni’s faith grew, and she led a life of vigor, vitality, joy and gratitude to God. Her testimony and ministry brought multitudes to faith in Christ. Through all her suffering, Joni never stopped believing that the Lord could heal her. She fought with him over it, yet she ultimately knew God was good and that he might choose not to heal her. She wrote of struggling but also of being at peace with his lordship over her life.
Many of us have desperate hopes that simply don’t come to pass. We often think, “God is here to comfort me, but he isn’t here to change my situation.” I grieve when I hear people say this. I believe they shut down a certain hope that is core to our faith.
God is all about changing our circumstances. He is the difference-maker in how our lives go. That is the heart of the gospel, and we can never lose sight of it. God is faithful, and when he makes a promise, it’s guaranteed to happen. God’s promises aren’t the same as our wishes or ambitions. We can be brokenhearted over a crushed dream, but we’ll never see a promise broken by him. His Word is steadfast and sure, and it cannot be thwarted.
The truth is that God’s work in our lives transcends our understanding. The psalmist wrote, “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me” (Psalm 42:7, ESV). Our minds can’t grasp the sufficiency of the Spirit’s power to carry and restore us through our losses and trials.
Friend, Jesus has something more for you. His power to touch your broken dreams is greater than you can imagine.