The Keys to Victory

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

While studying the New Covenant, its glorious truths leaped out of God’s Old Testament dealings with Israel. I sensed the Lord asking me, “David, do you want the keys to victory? Do you want to know how to overcome sin, flesh and the devil? Do you want to know how to do battle with the enemy? Go to my Old Testament, and you will learn from the examples there. I have recorded them all for you so you can learn the lessons of godliness.” 

On the night of Passover, not a single Israelite was in danger from the death angel who swept through Egypt. Every man, woman and child of God rested safely and securely under the blood covering that was spread on the doorposts of their homes (see Exodus 12). 

This picture of safety represents the protective power of our Lord’s blood over his children today. As Christians, we are to be believing, trusting people who have the blood of Christ sprinkled on the doorposts of our hearts. 

Israel’s trust in the blood of the slain lamb accomplished many things in the lives of the people. It not only protected them from the death angel, but it also brought them out of Egypt and delivered them from the bondage of Pharaoh. However, there were other enemies from which Israel needed deliverance. 

Likewise today, our trust in the blood of Christ is about much more than obtaining salvation for eternity. It also involves relying on God’s power to deliver us from every stronghold of the enemy. 

Please do not mistake me. If you are saved and living under the covering of Christ’s blood, secured by faith in his work on the cross for you, that is absolutely wonderful. However, what about your ongoing battle with the power of sin that rages inside you? What about your besetting habit? What power do you have to do battle with these enemies of your soul? 

The fact is that even if we have been saved and secured by Christ’s blood, we are still engaged in a battle with overwhelming principalities, satanic powers and demonic strongholds. We are to claim the power that is available to us through God’s New Covenant, but that power comes only by faith.

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