The ‘Little Foxes’ of Frustration

Mark Renfroe

What in the world could a poetic conversation between two ancient lovers have to do with my daily life? I believe quite a lot. 

King Solomon’s bride ask him to “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom” (Song of Solomon 2:15, ESV). While she was most probably imploring Solomon to watch out for and remove the obstacles to their developing relationship, she highlights a truth that carries over to our lives as passionate followers of Jesus. It isn’t the big “in your face” attacks that derail us; it’s the little daily inconveniences that get us off track.

When we encounter “in your face” spiritual opposition, we know what to do. These are the proverbial lions and bears. They’re big, ugly, and hungry, and we know they want to kill us. We pray, fast and ask others to join us as we ask God for a breakthrough. 

Who’s afraid of a fox, though? More than a danger, they’re sneaky and a nuisance. It’s these daily aggravations that can steal our joy. No, we don’t look for the devil behind every bush. However, it has been my experience that the enemy often sneaks in rather than roaring at the door.

A couple has cross words just as they are walking out of the door for work. A young professional woman endures another annoying slight from her boss. Your child misses the bus (again). Car trouble (again). An airline strike causes you to miss an important meeting. A stomach bug prevents a young man you met at the gym from connecting over coffee. A husband or wife leaves town to meet with a ministry leader only to receive a call within minutes that his or her son has fallen and broken his arm. The list goes on.

What do we need to do to prevent the foxes of inconvenience, frustration and worry from stealing our joy? 

Remember that everything has a spiritual side. This reality doesn’t mean that every inconvenience is a demonic attack, but it does mean that our reaction to it determines whether we will walk forward in victory. Let worship be your go-to response (see Ephesians 5:19). Let weariness and worry bow the knee to prayer (see Ephesians 6:18). The Spirit will guard your mind and prevent those fiery darts from finding their mark in your heart (see Ephesians 6:16).

So join with me today in determining that you won’t let the little foxes distract you from the beauty of serving Jesus.

Mark Renfroe and his wife, Amy, have been involved in field missions work for 30 years. Mark served as the area director for Assemblies of God World Missions and currently serves as the chief missions officer for World Challenge.