Living with Holy Dissatisfaction

Gary Wilkerson

Hopelessness is borne out of an incorrect view of God, and that’s where Satan comes to kill and destroy our view of God being good and for us. God is powerful, available and present to us at all times; he is with us in the storm when the storms don’t cease.

As we become a spiritual man or woman of God, the person who draws near to Jesus in complete trust, we’re going to face a battle. There are going to be satanic distractions to pull us away from intimacy with Jesus. Our ‘drug’ of choice or our comfort of choice can be a plethora of things. It's usually ‘self’ things like “I want to build my career” or “I want to build my reputation” or “I want comfort.”

Living for yourself feels good temporarily, but it's actually miserable in the long run. That's where some forms of depression come from; it’s where most kinds of addictions spring from. This is the source of almost anything that robs us of the joy of our family life with Jesus.

There's an arrow from the Holy Spirit that penetrates all those walls of self-interest and building up of self. It breaks through everything and says, “That's not what your heart was built for. You weren't built for yourself; you were built for others; you were built for God. You were built for his kingdom.” No one will be truly happy until they come to that place of realizing, “I’m not meant to live for myself.”

Even people who are already in a relationship with Jesus Christ will find within themselves a God-given longing, even a jealousy, that says, “God, I'm not satisfied with making money. I'm not satisfied with a good career. I'm not satisfied exclusively with being in good health. I want more.” What we’re craving is that deeper relationship with Jesus. This is a desire we should experience because, as Paul wrote, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, ESV).

We are called to embrace the reality that we are created to seek God’s glory in whatever we do. This restless urge in us should drive us to search out ways to honor and worship God.