An Outpouring of His Spirit

Gary Wilkerson

Some Christians claim, “Every generation has doomsday preachers. They’ve always said, ‘This is the vilest time in history.’ But Satan is continually pouring out evil. He never lets up.”

It’s true that the devil hasn’t changed his tactics. The difference today is he’s finding multitudes of more receptive ears. The greater ground he gains, the more he seeks to claim. He’s stirring up more depraved thinking, urging those who oppose God, “It isn’t enough. You want more!”

Please understand that folks with darkened minds are not our enemies. We aren’t to judge those who pursue lifestyles different from ours. We’re to love them with the love we’ve been shown by Jesus, to present them with the same good news we need as fellow sinners requiring forgiveness and salvation.

By the Holy Spirit, I envision us drowning out the world’s cries with our own, “It’s not enough! There must be more of God’s Spirit in our hearts, more boldness to preach his good news, more righteousness to stand for justice, more power to break Satan’s grip over every heart he dominates.”

In a time when Satan has darkened minds with evil deception, we’ll see a testimony rise up. Every heart that hungers for righteousness, sowing tears over a broken world, will be fed by the Lord himself. He’ll fill our minds with glorious visions and our mouths with prophetic words that we never thought ourselves capable of speaking. “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions”(Joel 2:28).

Will you stir up your spirit to seek God for more of his Spirit, more tears over a broken world, more hunger to see Jesus work through you? I want to be one who says, “What I see today is not enough. Fill me, Lord, use me, work through me to bring about your kingdom for your name’s sake.” I trust you’ll join me in pleading for an outpouring of his Spirit as never before. Amen! 

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