Overcoming Wounds of the Heart

Gary Wilkerson

“O Lord my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me, lest like a lion they tear my soul apart, rending it in pieces, with none to deliver” (Psalm 7:1-2, ESV).

These first two verses reveal the framework for all of Psalm 7. The main theme is accusations that tear at our souls. This psalm is meant to help us overcome the wounds of an accuser, whether that is Satan or someone who opposes us. 

Lies tear at our soul like nothing else in life. This was the case with David. He had fought off bears and lions and battled giants and kings, yet rarely do we see him as distraught as he appeared in this psalm. 

David was under great duress, in pain and burdened with a deep, anguished sorrow of soul. Outwardly, he had conquered mighty nations that came against him, but this internal battle was something different. His enemies in this conflict were words, and his warfare was in his mind. 

David’s struggle speaks to anyone who has been overcome by false words spoken against them. It may seem like a small thing for a seasoned warrior to be so concerned about mere words. In reality, though, this is the type of attack that overwhelms many of us. 

Attacks against our character are a fact of life, and we need the Spirit’s presence to face them. This is a spiritual battle. Paul desired “that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs” (2 Corinthians 2:11). This is why, like David, we need to bring our wounds to the Lord. If we don’t and try to bear them alone, the harm done to our soul by our accuser will keep chipping away year after year. 

What did David do with such accusations? He called out to God, “Oh, Lord my God, in you I take refuge” (Psalm 7:1). David began to sing away his pains, sorrows, struggles, and wounds, presenting them all to the Lord. When false, cruel words are formed against us, we can do the same. In those instances, we can sing to the Lord by relying on the Spirit. What a merciful gift from God. When our souls are torn apart by lies, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, delivers us.

This devotional has been adapted from Gary Wilkerson’s book, The Altar of Our Hearts: An Expository Devotional on the Psalms.