Righteousness as a Gift

John Bailey

It’s really important to understand the gospel of grace. Jesus died on the cross, and when he died on the cross, he paid the price for our salvation in full. Because of that, we don’t have anything to add to the equation.

So it’s a problem when people say, “Well, you know, Jesus did his part, and now I do my part. He started the good work, and now I have to work to finish it.” Anytime you try to add to the finished work of Jesus, it’s a simple definition of legalism. 

When people live on a treadmill of works, constantly trying to do things to please God, the only way we break free is to understand God’s grace. First and foremost, Jesus pleased God as the ultimate sacrifice at Calvary. When he gave his life, he fulfilled all of the demands of God, so God’s wrath is not against us. Now we live in the liberty and power of Christ. 

The choice is laid out for us. We can seek a relationship with God that is based on debt, or we can seek a relationship with God that is based on faith. If it’s a relationship based on debt, then you’re never quite sure if you’ve paid enough. “Did I sacrifice enough, did I fast enough, did I pray enough, did I give enough in order to get God’s favor?” 

The Apostle Paul moved from this place of being born under the law and living under the law to being free in Christ. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees, but when he came to know Christ and the power of the gospel, the Holy Spirit filled his heart, and there was a complete transformation.

Paul wrote about how glorious this freedom is! “For if it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression. That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace…” (Romans 4:14-16, ESV).

Now, under the promise resting on grace, we’re conformed to Christ’s image, and we live like him, and we pray like him. It’s a holy walk with God, but it’s a holiness that’s produced by God rather than by our own effort.

John Bailey is the Vice President of World Challenge Inc. and the Founding Pastor of The Springs Church in Jacksonville, Florida. John has been serving the Lord in pastoral ministry for 35 years, ministering the gospel in over 50 nations, particularly as a pastor and evangelist in Cork, Ireland.