

  • The Corinthian Problem: The Church That Loses Its Calling

    Carter Conlon

    The church that loses its calling begins to drift away from a Christ centered focus to a man focus. This man focus will lead us into a false sense of identity and there will be a great inability to hear and receive challenging and deepening truths. This church becomes "doctrinal shoppers" who shop around until they find a voice that does not confront their errors. This church loses the heart for the poor and desires to satisfy self. The church of Christ is not called to be like men. We are called to look beyond self and to focus on Christ so we can be conformed to His image.

  • Defeating the Enemy Through Our Silence

    Teresa Conlon

    As we continue to walk with Jesus the enemy will accuse us of many things. His purpose is to arouse our flesh. The power of God is demonstrated in a God-appointed silence. The Holy Spirit will empower us to bridle our tongue in the atmosphere of adversity. When we are led into a season of silence we are creating a space for God in our heart and mind. When Jesus was being accused, He could have said so much in His defense, but chose to be silent. The living Word chose not to speak. God wants to lead His people to a place of quietness. Will you go there?

  • Our Father in Heaven

    Ben Crandall

    We have an incredible relationship with God our Father. Our Father is powerful beyond description. There is a deep desire in the heart of God for us to be intimate with Him. He is a Father of forgiveness and peace. There was never a time that we were not in the heart of God. His love for us is an ever lasting love.

  • The Healing Power of Afflictions


    David Wilkerson

    God uses afflictions to draw us into His Word so we can allow Him to deal with the issues of our heart. If we don’t see God in ALL of our circumstances, the good and the bad, our faith will crash. God is not with us in spite of our failure, sin and slothfulness; He is with us because of them. God's tender mercies are above all His works. Go to the Lord with an open heart and let Him love you through your pain and suffering.

  • Healing for Those Abused

    Neil Rhodes

    This message is for those who in their time of need went to the house of God for help and there was no answer for you. You set out for the house of the Lord and you were deeply disappointed and dropped. God sees you and knows your pain; He will meet you right where you are. The promise of God is that He will seek you out and reveal Himself to you. There is HOPE in Jesus Christ.

  • When the Temple Declares the Glory of God

    Carter Conlon

    It's time to declare the Glory of God. What must I do to give glory to God? It is simply this, when God speaks we don’t resist Him. Humans are the only thing that God created that has the ability to resist God. God is always speaking! His voice is above everything on earth. Nothing can drown out the voice of God. When God speaks He creates a pathway into His life. When we receive His Word by faith miracles happen and our lives begin to declare His glory.

  • The Cup of Trembling


    David Wilkerson

    There are four great fears: 1) Fear of survival and poverty, 2) Fear of losing children to sin, 3) Fear of calamity and terror, and 4) The lack of political leaders. God never intended for His people to live in fear. God is a God who pleads the cause of His people. He pledges Himself to us and He puts His words in our mouth to destroy the lies of Satan that cause us to fear. In this message David Wilkerson admonishes us to keep our eyes on Christ's resurrection power and to keep the FACE of JESUS before our eyes all throughout our days.

  • Go and Get Your Family

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a society that is grieved for their sons and daughters. Underneath this grief is a cry that is asking WHERE IS GOD? Some are in the church asking the same thing - How can we get our family back? How can we get back what we have lost? The answer is that we must get back to the place where God first anointed us. We must get back to the secret closet of prayer and begin one more time to WALK in the SPIRIT! God has given us a LIFE PARTNER who is the HOLY SPIRIT to enable us to be more than we cloud ever be by any amount of human wisdom and strength. God is calling His church to lay down our lives for others. When we get back to the secret closet of prayer we will hear the Lord say go and get my sons and daughters, go and get you family. When we go in faith we will get back ALL that the devil has stolen.