

  • A Greater than Solomon Is Here

    David Wilkerson

    The Queen of Sheba came from the utter most parts of the world to seek out the wisdom of Solomon. She was able to unburden her heart and have all her questions answered. Jesus spoke in those days about her effort to seek out the king’s heart and He proclaimed that “one greater than Solomon is here”. We are with no excuse if we do not take advantage of the access we have through Jesus Christ. He is here with us and has everything we need for this life and eternity.

  • The Supply of the Spirit

    David Wilkerson

    The measure of the Holy Ghost is according to the measure of your faith. The Holy Ghost is given to those who respond in faith. The man who is truly filled with the supply of the Spirit is the man who has given his life fully to the control of the Holy Spirit.

  • La provisión del Espíritu

    David Wilkerson

    La medida del Espíritu Santo es conforme a la medida de tu fe. El Espíritu Santo es dado a aquellos que responden en fe. El hombre que está verdaderamente lleno de la provisión del Espíritu es aquel que le ha dado el control total de su vida al del Espíritu Santo.