

  • When the Blessing of God Sends Fear Into the Earth

    Carter Conlon

    There is a deep abiding inner peace that only comes from Jesus. This peace is deep within those who know and understand Christ and trust that God has everything under control. When God's word is entwined in our heart and mind we will be led down a pathway of peace. This peace is the mark of the work of God. However, when we begin to leave the single pursuit of glorifying God and begin to find pleasure in this world your heart will turn from truth. You will find yourself being led away from the will of God, led away by a lust to satisfy self, and you will lose the desire to be a servant.

  • Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself

    Carter Conlon

    We are called to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. The out flow of that will be expressed in our love for others. The question is what if we don't like ourselves? How do we love people if we don't like ourselves.The ultimate goal of satan is to get us to loathe ourselves, knowing full well that if we hate ourselves we will never be able to love one another.What God inteneded for us is to kow who we are in Him and how much we are loved by Him so we can reach out to a fallen society with the same love that He showers upon us.

  • Setting Fire to Satan's Harvest

    Carter Conlon

    Satan is the master complainer and his desire is to plant a seed of discontentment in our heart. When we are not satisfied with where God has placed us in the body we will buy into the lie of the devil and begin to complain against God. There is a reward for those who choose to go God's way and learn to be content in whatever state we find ourselves in.

  • The Glorious Uncovered King of Israel

    Carter Conlon

    Jesus Christ filled with compassion moved to bring the worship of God into the central core of humanity. There has to be an inner cry of every Christian that desires to honor the Lord with their life. Jesus Christ will come and unveil Himself to the heart of a servant — those who will serve with the lowest of the low.

  • Walk on Water Christianity

    Teresa Conlon

    God promises His church that He will strengthen us with limitless power unto all patience. When we are impatient in trials it is evidence that we have unsurrendered areas in our heart. We must stay in our place persevering so patience can have its perfect work that we may become mature, wanting nothing. If we are to be a patient person our faith must be tried.

  • Overcoming the Last Day Spirit of Lawlessness - Part 2

    Neil Rhodes

    Where there is no progressive revelation of Christ people become reckless. There is a systematic working of lawlessness that attempts to take God out of the culture. It is the Holy Spirit that restrains us. When people refuse to come to the true knowledge of Jesus Christ we end up casting off all kinds of restaint; hence lawlssness begins to pervade in our society.

  • Overcoming the Last Day Spirit of Lawlessness - Part 1

    Neil Rhodes

    The mystery of iniquity begins its work in our heart when we disagree with what God is saying to us. This is where the spirit of lawlesness has its first entrance. This spirit produces a hardness of heart and unbelief will set in. We must choose to walk under authority. As we submit and keenly listen and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit our heart will remain soft and pliable in the Lord's hand.

  • The Open, Uncondemned and Compelling Witness of Truth

    Carter Conlon

    When we settle it in our heart and say to God I don't want Sunday Religion, God will point His finger in areas that need to be surrendered to the truth of His word. As we receive truth we will be given living water to satisfy our inner longings. The Lord will place in us a compelling testimony so that we would lead the lost out of their situations and into the love of Christ.

  • The Body of Christ: The Cry of God

    William Carrol

    We as humans can forget what Jesus did for us on the cross. But God is not like us and he will never forget what His Son did for us. He will cry out to us and remind us that His Son is all sufficient. God will come and preach to our heart when the preaching of the preacher can't do it for us. God will come and excalim that He is the Great I AM.

  • God Has a Plan for Troubled Times

    Carter Conlon

    When we go through storms we have God's promises that assures us we will get to the other side empowered by His presence in our lives. But what about the unsaved that are going through the same storms and trials that we face without Christ in their boat? God is calling His church to be a voice of power and encouragement to the "other little ships" that are struggling through life without Jesus in their boat. Will we take our eyes off self and be a voice to the unsaved that will bring a word of deliverance?