

  • Walking in the Spirit

    David Wilkerson

    If the Holy Spirit is in you let Him have control over your life. If He lives in you let Him direct your life. Walking in the spirit simply means you make no decisions until you hear from Him. We surrender our will and give complete control over to His government. The key to this walk is found in three words - JUST SAY YES- Say yes to all the promises of God and believe the Holy Spirit to accomplish this in and through you.

  • The Capacity to Be Stirred

    David Wilkerson

    One of the greatest defilements in the church is to settle into a comfort zone and to consider our achievements so that we get relaxed with a sense that we have arrive at some great place causing us to remove our focus from the house of God to self interest. The Holy Spirit will be faithful to bring us loving warnings to stir us up and keep us from going astray and allowing apathy lethargy and lukewarmness to settle in our heart. Do you have the capacity to respond to the Holy Spirit when He begins the stirring?