

  • Urgent Call: Live the Gospel

    At the 2024 Fire in Our Bones Conference in San Diego, Francis Chan delivers a passionate message, urging Christians to reignite their passion for God and his Word, embracing the power of the Gospel. Filled with both challenge and encouragement, this powerful sermon will leave you inspired to live out your faith with renewed purpose.

    Key Points:
    • The need for a spiritual awakening in the American church.
    • Challenges faced by modern-day Christians and churches.
    • The importance of personal commitment and discipleship.
    • A call to action for Christians to live out their faith authentically.

  • The Anointing

    The account of King Saul, the prophet Samuel and young David has important implications for modern church leaders. In this session, R. T. Kendall discusses the lessons that God has for pastors in this particular historical account of Israel’s leaders. Believers, especially leaders, must come to terms with the fact that we all have a measure of faith and limits on our giftings or anointings. It’s a humbling recognition that every leader must return to repeatedly throughout their career.

  • Loose Hands

    Tim Dilena

    "Loose Hands" is an inspiring sermon delivered by Pastor Tim Dilena at the 2024 Fire in Our Bones conference in San Diego, focusing on the essence of true worship beyond the confines of music and song. Drawing from the poignant words of Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom, "I have learned to hold all things loosely so God will not have to pry them out of my hands," Dilena challenges believers to approach God with open hands, ready to surrender all. Through biblical narratives, including the profound act of worship by Abraham in Genesis 22, Dilena defines worship as an act of obedience and surrender to God's will, emphasizing the importance of allowing God to speak into our lives and remove any rivals for our devotion.

    Key Points:
    • Worship as Obedience: Worship transcends singing and music, fundamentally embodying obedience to God's directives.

    • Surrender and Sacrifice: True worship requires holding all things loosely, ready to give up whatever God asks, mirroring Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac.

    • Removing Rivals: Worship involves letting go of anything that competes with our allegiance to God, ensuring He remains our foremost priority.

    • Loose Hands as a Worship Posture: Embraces the metaphor of loose hands for surrender, indicating readiness to receive from God and let go as He leads.

    • Listening for God's Voice: Highlights the critical aspect of worship where God speaks to us, guiding, correcting, and commissioning us for His purposes.

  • A Call for Help

    Nicky Cruz

    "A Call For Help" is a powerful sermon by Nicky Cruz, addressing the challenges and realities of ministry and the transformative power of God's intervention in the darkest moments. Drawing from his extensive experience in ministry and personal encounters with spiritual mentors like David Wilkerson, Cruz underscores the relentless struggle and the profound need for divine guidance in serving God's purpose. He uses the story of Elisha and the desperate plea for divine intervention in a time of crisis as a metaphor for the contemporary need for God's presence in ministry and personal life. Through vivid personal anecdotes and biblical references, Cruz emphasizes the importance of being a beacon of hope and a conduit for God's voice in a world rife with spiritual confusion and moral decay.

    Key Points:
    • Ministry Challenges: Cruz shares candid insights into the hardships faced in ministry, debunking the notion of a trouble-free service to God.

    • Divine Intervention: Highlighting the story of Elisha, Cruz illustrates the critical moments when seeking God's guidance is imperative for overcoming challenges.

    • Spiritual Mentorship: Through his relationship with David Wilkerson, Cruz showcases the impact of spiritual mentorship in navigating the complexities of faith and ministry.

    • Unwavering Faith: Emphasizing the need for steadfast faith and obedience, Cruz calls for a relentless pursuit of God's will, even in the face of adversity.

    • Call for Revival: With a passionate plea for revival, Cruz urges believers to seek God earnestly for renewal and empowerment, highlighting the desperate need for spiritual awakening in America and beyond.