

  • Finding Grace in the Wilderness

    Carter Conlon

    It is very clear throughout the Bible that the Church is meant to have unity, but that term is often so misused that we forget what it looks like to have a unified Church. In this sermon, Carter Conlon offers a reminder that the small things which divide us will matter less when we look to God as the ultimate solution to the problems we face.

  • Lives of Faith

    Joshua West

    There is no doubt that the concept of faith gets misused and misunderstood. That’s a problem because faith, understood in the right way, is absolutely foundational. In this sermon, Joshua West looks at what the Bible actually has to say about faith and how that plays into our lives every day.

  • Looking Unto Jesus

    Gary Wilkerson

    How would it change our thoughts, our actions and our lives if we took time every day to stop and consider who God is? In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson offers a sobering reminder that, whatever inflated view we may take of ourselves, God is completely holy and set apart.

  • This Is Why I Pray

    Tim Dilena

    When we take the time to pray and seek God’s will, God can work in ways we could never have imagined, let alone accomplished. In this sermon, Tim Dilena offers a powerful reminder that we should trust in God’s will, not our own efforts.

  • When the Waters Rise

    Tim Dilena

    What does it mean for God to raise a standard? In this sermon, Tim Dilena looks at the two certainties laid out in Isaiah 59: Satan will come against believers, but God will certainly defend his people.

  • Sweet Communion

    John Bailey

    From time to time, it is valuable to stop and take an honest look at the motivation behind our actions. In this sermon, John Bailey looks to the New Testament account of Jesus’ ministry to share three critical lessons for believers today.

  • Fourteen Blessings

    Gary Wilkerson

    Psalm 23 is well known for the way that it compares people to sheep. In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson walks line by line through Psalm 23 to explain how believers can learn to trust in God as our shepherd.