• The Power To Do Good Is In Your Hand

    The Power To Do Good Is In Your Hand

    Carter Conlon

    This message is for those who are struggling with something that is threatening to captivate you and for those whom Satan is desiring to lock in a prison of fear. The question we ask is, "Do you trust in the midst of the storm?" We must be gripped with the knowledge that God is in TOTAL CONTROL of everything that is going on around us. In times of calamity it is our human tendency to focus on ourselves and withdraw our hand from the needy around us. As children of God we are admonished not to withdraw our hands in self preservation, but rather to stretch out our hand to the poor and needy. There is power in our hand to do good because Christ's hands stretch forth through us to offer comfort and consolation to those who don't know Him!

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  • Jesus Speak Clearly To Me

    Jesus Speak Clearly To Me

    Carter Conlon

    God is calling us to be one in heart and one in mind with what he purposed for His church to be here on earth. It doesn't matter how outwardly devoted we may appear to be God will move away from every pre occupied self consumed Christian. God forbid that you and I would begin to EXCUSE ourselves from the call that God has placed on our lives! Those of us whose value system is rooted in Christ and His purposes will be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit amidst all the darkness and calamities that are about to come. The cry of our heart has to be Jesus speak plainly to me!!

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  • Ephesians: A Pastor's Response To "An Urgent Message"

    Ephesians: A Pastor's Response To "An Urgent Message"

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 4:11–12 – Prophecy is one of several gifts given by God for the edification of the body. It is the prophet’s role to warn. It is the role of the pastor to address the issues that arise following a prophetic warning. They should let their flock know that it is not a good time to be on the fence — living in a way that opens your life to the devourer. Don’t be found partying in the house of an Egyptian, but find refuge in the house with blood on the doorpost. A pastor should urge his congregation to call to those outside the fence. Finally, the pastor is to encourage his people that if the blood of Christ is applied to their life then they cannot receive the wrath of God.

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  • The Testimony of an Undefeated Man

    The Testimony of an Undefeated Man

    Teresa Conlon

    In the last hour of time the church must be gripped by the Holy Spirit so God can have full control over our flesh. We have all been through betrayals, injustices and rejection, yet in Christ God calls us mighty. As we fix our heart on Jesus. We begin to understand that the victory comes from God alone. God wants to give us an undefeated testimony. His Spirit comes upon us and reveals the life of Christ in us and we are supernaturally led into victory. We cannot add anything else to what Christ has already done for us.

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  • Seeing Christ at the Hour of His Return

    Seeing Christ at the Hour of His Return

    Carter Conlon

    Those who have a lustful pursuit of God and affections for the world will not see the coming of Christ. The future of the true church of Jesus Christ will have a heavenly vision. Who then is the faithful and wise servant? The servant who is one in heart and one with the purposes of God. The wise servant will have their hands stretched out to heal and touch those around them with the supernatural power that can come only by God's Spirit. Those that will have spiritual sight in the last days will have a willingness to be sent by God as a vessel to be poured out and broken for lost humanity.

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  • What If I Fail in the Time of Trial?

    What If I Fail in the Time of Trial?

    William Carrol

    What happens if a significant trial comes our way and it doesn't work out the way we thought it would? God will allow us to go through certain trials, and in those trials there will be an element of failure. There is a time of sifting that will come to every zealous Christian. We will go through seasons of failure so we can recognize that we cannot serve God in our own strength. It's important to remember that in the midst of our failure God looks upon us with a love that can never fail us. So what happens if we fail in the time of trial? We will be invited to dine with a loving covenant-keeping God.

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  • The Table and the Cross

    The Table and the Cross

    Carter Conlon

    Our fallen nature can cause us to form an image of ourselves that doesn't represent Christ. The church that forms a false image will not endure when hard times come and they will abandon the journey of Christ to follow their own agenda. God in His mercy will allow this false image to be broken in pieces so we can go back to God and do things His way. When we are left with an empty shell and a cry in our heart that says, "God I am nothing apart from you", God will respond by filling us with His glory. If ever there is a time to cry out for the Holy Spirit to fill us it's now!

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  • Ephesians - Part 4: Christus Reconcilio

    Ephesians - Part 4: Christus Reconcilio

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 2:11–22 - Christ is our reconciliation. Just as he has rent the veil between us and God, he has broken down the wall of hostility between individuals. It has been God’s eternal desire that man dwell in a loving Trinitarian community. Paul concludes this passage with a practical application of how the people of Ephesus dwelt in peace and unity.

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  • God’s Awesome Law of Multiplication

    God’s Awesome Law of Multiplication

    Ben Crandall

    Whatever measure we use in giving, the same measure will be given back to us. When we do something good for someone we are doing it for ourselves. The same is true when we do bad, it will come back to us. This is God's incredible law of harvest. What we sow we will reap. We must give with pure motives and in God's time we will reap a harvest.

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  • When Jacob Sees His Children

    When Jacob Sees His Children

    Carter Conlon

    When there is not an honest seeking of God the church will begin to turn inward and lose her focus on Christ and become a counterfeit religious system with no answer. True value is not in embracing the things of this world but embracing the life of Christ and doing what He has called us to do. In these last days God will bring the truth of Christ back into focus through His church. When this religious system sees the children of God who are empowered by the Holy Spirit and walking in the joy of Jesus, then many will turn back to the Lord in this generation. Religion will forever bend its knee when there is a God-gripped people in the midst.

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