

  • Laying Hold of the Seamless Garment of Christ

    Neil Rhodes

    A seamless robe of Christ represents a NO DIVISION MINISTRY. Jesus would not allow the devil to divide Him from His father’s will. The enemy has one goal and that is to get us make independent decisions without Christ. We are called to have the same mindset as Jesus and walk in unity with Him and every relationship that we have. As we chose UNITY God will endue us with His power. When we do things God’s way there is a commanded blessing. In the mind of God there is no division. His heart is to perfect, establish and strengthen us through all of our trials.

  • Footsteps in the Hallway

    Carter Conlon

    When we live outside of the boundaries of God’s Word we will end up with a life of fruitless religion, and a manmade covering. The true life of Christ will be shut off to every man or woman who comes through Christ through human effort and human intellect. What we could never accomplish in a lifetime, God did in one day by sending His son to be a covering for all of our sins and to empower us to glorify His name through the Holy Spirit. At the end of your life you want to be sure that it is God’s footsteps coming to take you home with Him.

  • A Stick and a One Line Sermon

    Carter Conlon

    This message is for those who see their calling and tried but it seemed to be of no avail. Failure and misunderstanding of God's ways has lead you into the wilderness. For those of you who feel like a dry stick and have no strength, God is about to do something marvelous. The question is DO YOU SEE YOUR CALLING? Do you see that God has put the power of the resurrected Savior in the hand of the weakest of those who are called by Christ. We do not need any strength of our own, or any plan of our own, we need an obedient heart that will trust God for the power to work in and through us.

  • Boldness to Enter God's Presence

    David Wilkerson

    We cannot fully come into the joy and peace of the Father's delight for our deliverance until we understand it was done at the Cross of Christ. When we believe in Jesus Christ and we walk by faith, we understand we are forgiven, renewed in our mind and qualified because of the Blood of Jesus Christ. As much and just like the Father delights in His own Son, He delights in us because we are in Christ and we are what He says we are by faith. The Blood that saves us is the blood that keeps us.

  • Put an End to Complacency and Extreme Poverty (Mettre un terme à la complaisance et à la pauvreté extrême)

    Gary Wilkerson

    Lorsque Jésus raconte l'histoire de l'homme riche et de Lazare, il parle de deux grands dilemmes auxquels les hommes sont confrontés : la pauvreté et la complaisance. L'histoire prend une tournure surprenante quand le complaisant est condamné alors que celui qui souffre, Lazare, est accueilli au ciel. Alors que des milliards de personnes vivent dans la douleur en raison d'une pauvreté extrême un peu partout dans le monde, plusieurs américains, voire même des chrétiens, vivent des vies dangereusement complaisantes.

  • The Cost of Resurrection Life

    Carter Conlon

    The Christian life is a supernatural life. We are changed and transformed into a brand new person. When Jesus rose from the dead His resurrection life became available to all who would want it. If we are going to be blessed of God there is a journey involved. This journey will lead us to a place called Bethel where we are separated for the purposes of God. We will also be led to Jericho where we learn to trust God to break down every stronghold that the enemy has erected. As we walk with the Lord being one at heart with Him, He will anoint us and give us power to bring life into barren places.

  • The Battle Belongs to the Lord

    Teresa Conlon

    Can we believe God to take us into a place of faith where we can know Him and believe that every promise He makes to us He will bring to pass? God is calling us to possess the land. In this land we will live victorious in conflict and overcome every enemy power. God gives us strength and courage to overcome discouragement. We are promised that every where we place our foot will become our territory. The battle is not ours it belongs to the Lord.

  • John: Part 28

    William Carrol

    The focus of this message is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus is the center of all the good things that we hope for. He came to offer us a better life. Jesus took upon Himself everything that could defeat us and because of the Cross we are made free. As we begin to behold the Lamb, we will understand the Cross of Christ defeated sin, Satan and every power of darkness.

  • Many Will Come Into the Kingdom

    Gary Wilkerson

    In the last days, who will be saved? Will only a limited handful who hold to a specific doctrine? Or, is it possible, we’ll be surprised by the vast saving power of Christ?

  • Ending Self-Indulgence and Extreme Poverty

    Gary Wilkerson

    When Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus, he is speaking of the two great dilemmas of the human condition – poverty and self-indulgence. In a surprising twist, it is the self-indulgent who is condemned while the suffering Lazarus finds a home in heaven. As billions across the globe are suffering extreme poverty, many Americans, even Christians, are dangerously engaged in lives of self-indulgence.