

  • Why Christ Came – Part 4: Stand Firm Thus


    Gary Wilkerson

    Because Jesus came and was exalted, Christians have the promises and the power needed to stand firm in the Lord. Some of the promises that we have are peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing the secret to living with plenty and with nothing, and the knowledge that we can do all things through Christ! Once we begin to understand these promises, we will begin to live for the glory of God. We will love one another for the glory of God and be generous for the glory of God. We will be able to stand firm and live as overcomers because we know that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with us always!

  • Jesus Came To The Night Shift

    Carter Conlon

    The night shift is symbolic of an undesired place of loneliness and failure. The birth of Jesus brings us good news of great joy. Jesus wraps Himself in the rags of humanity and comes to us in the places of our deepest struggles, failures, and disappointments. He is willing to indwell us so He can be God to us. This Christmas, come with haste to the invitation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and you will be forgiven and given a wonderful new life.

  • Keep The Lamps Burning

    Carter Conlon

    As humans we have a tendency to become bored with the familiar. There is a grave danger of taking the presence of God for granted. God forbid that we should be involved in God’s works with a passionless repetition. The only thing that can stop the work of God in our lives is the lethargy in our own hearts. This is not the time to draw back, we must press into the future because God has something deeper and greater for us than ever before. If we are willing to overcome the compromise in our hearts, God will open up a supply of His Spirit and the lamp of our testimony will burn brighter and brighter.

  • Why Christ Came - Part 3: Going Ten Rounds With Jesus


    Michael Petillo

    Do you have what it takes to go ten rounds with Jesus? Can you “lay hold” of God and make Him your own? Using the example of Jacob, a patriarch who wrestled with God and wouldn’t let go until he was blessed, Pastor Michael Petillo encouraged us to lay hold of the Word of God. Being in the Word of God will prepare the provision for the warfare that is ahead and will put a fight in you to continue going forward. Don’t run in the other direction today, press toward the goal! Get into the fight, don’t give up and lay hold of all the blessings God has for you!

  • Why Christ Came – Part 2: Our First Calling


    Michael Petillo

    As Christians we receive a variety of giftings and callings—pastors, missionaries, administration, hospitality, etc.—but there is one calling we all share. We're all called to be servants. Being a servant isn't about the tasks you do, but seeing and valuing people the way that God does. It's about pouring out your life for the betterment of others. When you have a Spirit-birthed servant heart you will begin to see God's anointing and power truly work through you life.

  • The Parting Of The Third Veil

    Carter Conlon

    When God came to earth, in the form of His Son Jesus Christ, the veil was suddenly torn and Heaven came into view. The first veil was Heaven coming to us, the second veil was torn so that we are no longer separated from the presence of God. The third veil is that which separates us from the fullness of what we are called to be in Christ Jesus. God has won a victory that takes us out of every place of weakness and brings us into His redemptive power. May we find ourselves in a place of prayer, anticipating the power of the Holy Spirit so we can burst out of the veil of obscurity and step into the market place and begin to talk about the wonderful things that God is about to do.

  • Why Christ Came – Part 1: For the Glory of God and the Joy of Man


    Gary Wilkerson

    How can you have joy in the middle of suffering and hurt? Pastor Gary Wilkerson preaches from Philippians and explains how the apostle Paul had joy in the midst of despair. Paul looked to Jesus instead of focusing on the hurt around him. Just like Paul, all of the circumstances you face can bring glory to God. It’s crucial to keep your eyes on Jesus and know that He will make everything work out for His good and your joy!

  • When I Don't Understand

    Carter Conlon

    God’s ways are not always easy to understand and we may never get an explanation for some of the dark valleys we go through, but we can trust that God knows what is best for us. In times of trials and afflictions, God is teaching us to depend on Him. If we are going to represent God we must be prepared to partaker in His suffering. Through the process God is producing something inside of us to help us minister to others. The answer to your suffering is the simple fact that God is faithful and through it all He is planting  all we will need to get through every trial and storm.

  • Discipleship and the Cross


    Michael Petillo

    In order to be His disciple, Jesus said to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him. The cross is essential for the Christian, yet many churches hardly speak about it. The cross is not some burden we must bear in our own strength in order to prove how devout we are—not even Jesus carried His own cross. It is a place of humbling descent where we must rely fully on God and others. Like Jesus, you may feel forsaken at the cross, but fear not, God is with you. And you will need others, like Jesus needed Simon, to carry your cross with you.