

  • Why You Won't Quit

    Teresa Conlon

    There will be many seasons in our life when our heart becomes heavy and we are tempted to draw back from what the Lord is calling us to do. When you get tempted to quit, fix your eyes on Jesus, our Savior, who was crucified with His arms open wide so He could embrace humanity. Whenever times get rough allow the Cross to lead you to a totally surrendered life. The ability not to quit comes from the power of the Cross. We don't give up because in the deepest part of our suffering Jesus is there and He promises never to leave us. We are called to make an imprint of freedom for next generation.

  • An Invitation to Die

    Carter Conlon

    What does it mean to die? We are given an invitation from Christ to follow Him into His death so that His life can be manifested in us. If we attempt to hold on to a false view of ourselves and our own sense of what we think our life should be, we risk losing the glory of God that could have been revealed to us and through us. Jesus was born to die and born to be given for others. True life comes when we are totally abandoned to the work of God. The power of the Christian life is found in being given for others. Our cry must be “Father, glorify Your name!”

  • Don't Forget to Remember

    William Carrol

    This message encourages us to take every opportunity to intentionally bring to mind what Jesus Christ accomplished for us on Cavalry's Tree. So that we will be able to endure in times of difficulty and not grow proud in times of prosperity. Jesus gives us a mandate to remember all He has done for us. We must remember when we had no hope and no strength and God stretched out His hand and freed us from all our bondage. Also, remember to love, esteem and pray for the body of Christ. Lastly, remember the lost. Don't forget to care for the people who don't necessarily care for you. Remember the Cross and what Jesus sacrificed for us so we can live in true freedom.

  • The Power of Praise

    Ben Crandall

    As Christians we must understand the power of praise and how it affects our lives. We all have problems but we also have a God in heaven who wants to solve them. Satan is always reducing God and increasing our problems. But when we are in the atmosphere of praise we begin to see everything in the right perspective. God gets bigger, our problems get smaller and Satan has to flee. We can choose to praise God and thank Him for His mercy and faithfulness. Praise Him because we know He is the answer to all our problems. God is greater than anything we will go through and He is able to accomplish the impossible. Let's make a choice to stop worrying and start praising God — the One who saved us can keep us!

  • The Treasury of David - Part 1: Living in a 'New Thing' Season

    Gary Wilkerson

    God wants to raise up something new in our lives, but first He has to remove the old and unhealthy attitudes and desires. Once we give up our willingness to compromise when it comes to God's instructions and words to us, we will find ourselves in full alignment with His will — a place where He takes complete control and leads us into intimacy with Christ, giving us victory over our battles and struggles.

  • Beware of Smiting the Rock

    Carter Conlon

    When we come to Christ we must by faith believe that our sins were paid in full by His precious Blood. The Bible says He was wounded for our transgressions and He was bruised for our iniquities. The sacrifice was made one time and we don’t have to smite the Rock (Jesus) again. We don’t have to keep going to an altar call for salvation every time we fail. Salvation leads us into the completeness of Christ and we are invited to come boldly the throne of grace when we are weak and struggling. It doesn't matter what your need is today, come to Jesus and begin to speak to Him. Don't wait until you are strong, come when your weak and pour out your heart to Him. You can walk in assurance and confidence because of the Blood. Come and speak to Jesus, He wants to hear your voice.

  • Weeping Over the Provision of God

    Carter Conlon

    When we fail to appreciate the provision of God and don’t understand where He is leading us, we will go backwards instead of forward. What a tragedy when we don’t see the divine purpose for our life and the Bible becomes a closed book. God provides for us manna from heaven and all the strength we need for our journey. It doesn't matter how difficult our trials become, we are called to go into the Bible and get God's vision for our lives because it will strengthen you and those around you. We serve the God of the miraculous and if we get into His Word there will be all the provision we need so that as the years go by we will be like a green tree full of fresh oil.

  • Good News for the Lukewarm

    Gary Wilkerson

    Jesus said that He would rather people were hot or cold than lukewarm. It seems strange that He want us to have none of Him than just a little. The problem with being lukewarm is that you have seen a fiery God and come away unchanged. Prayerlessness, unaffected by the Word and disobedience are a few signs of being lukewarm. There is still good news. Jesus holds nothing back to bring you back to his full plan. A door is open to you for a life on fire for God.