A Half Acre Worth Fighting For

Carter Conlon

Are you facing a battle of inner discouragement? Are you taunted with thoughts that say your life isn't amounting to anything for the kingdom of God? Did you ever think that your life could be used to affect thousands? If you did you will face the battle of discouragement and fear. You have to fight through the half acre of mockery and the barrage of lies from the devil that tells you that you are nothing in the kingdom of God. You have to fight on the half acre of prayer and fight on the held acre of faith. Don't give up on the ground of prayer and the ground of faith. When you make the choice to get up and fight, people will follow you and the powers of hell will be broken over your life and the lives of others. Stand up and fight for the glory of God and the souls of men. You make the choice to fight, and God will empower you.