

  • Faith That Heals

    William Carrol

    Faith follows Jesus beyond our own plans and desires to go into the vortex of His sufferings and into the reality of the Cross. If we are to know Jesus it will be through the fellowship of His sufferings and living in the power of His resurrection. Faith gets close enough to Jesus so we can hear Him call us His child. As we draw near to Jesus we will be healed in His presence so that we will bear witness of His Cross.

  • The Supernatural Hand of Mercy

    Carter Conlon

    We must not set our hand to bring about our own justice. God will stop us when we are going down the road of bitterness and unforgiveness. When He leads us in the direction to love our enemies, He will provide what we need to do it. God will simply put His hand of supernatural mercy in our hand and He will give us the power and love to wash the feet of our enemies. The Lord will fight our battles and bring about justice for us, but will He find a willing heart to be merciful to our betrayers?

  • Jesus' Last Monday and Tuesday

    Ben Crandall

    It is so important to make up your mind to seek God with all of your heart. A half-hearted Christian cannot follow Jesus. Jesus wants to put mountain-moving faith in us. He wants us to pray prayers that are one with His heart and mind. He wants us to forgive everyone that has harmed us. It takes great faith to forgive those who wronged us and Jesus will supernaturally impart this to us when we have a willing heart!

  • The Year of Jubilee

    Teresa Conlon

    The year of jubilee is dawning! This is going to be a time of unusual spiritual blessing. God's people will experience the Glory of God in our souls and we will be empowered to speak to the lost and they will be saved. This is not something we have to work up. God Himself will command this blessing of freedom and deliverance. Let's believe God together for this unusual act of God.

  • Knowing the Mind of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    So many Christians don’t know the mind of Christ because they are not willing to live a selfless life. A person who has the mind of Christ makes himself of no reputation and is a servant. When we delight to do God's will and we are willing to be poured out for the betterment of others God's thoughts will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.

  • The High Cost of Mercy


    David Wilkerson

    Jesus said, "Be ye merciful as I am merciful." This is not an easy thing to do and it will cost us. Jesus Christ paid the highest cost so that mercy could be shed on humankind. The price He paid is beyond calculating. Mercy does not rebuke, examine, or accuse one another. We need a supernatural revelation that the body of Christ and Jesus are one. What we say and what we do to one another is what we are saying and doing to Jesus. The Lord is gracious and merciful and we are to be an extension of this to one another.

  • The Most Difficult Journey of All

    Carter Conlon

    What is it that causes so many young people to leave the house of God today? It is the older brother syndrome, when service in the house of God becomes hard labor from an angry joyless heart. It is the Father that meets His children with love and mercy. God almighty will bring His sons and daughter back home and we need to be prepared to celebrate their home coming.

  • Speaking a Better Word

    Gary Wilkerson

    Do we have a distorted view of God because of our experiences with our earthly father? Some of us view our heavenly Father as angry and difficult. Some fathers just weren't there at all. Some of us were raised in good homes and then there is a danger of making an idol out of our earthly father. This message reminds us that our heavenly Father is all together different than our earthly father. Our Father in Heaven is pure, merciful and glorious. Today God the Father is speaking words of restoration and life to you.