Hebrews 2:18

For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Devotional Thoughts

By David Wilkerson

It was necessary for Jesus to take on human form so that he could go through everything we do on earth — rejection, pain, sorrow, temptation. Indeed, although he was God in flesh, he endured the whole human experience not as God, but as human, with all our frailties. This enables Jesus to pray for us with tremendous sympathy: “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted” (Hebrews 2:18).

Consider a dear sister in a struggle. She is a lover of Jesus but she is discouraged, cast down, rejected. Standing in shame, she thinks, “I’ve been so hurt and nobody seems to understand me.” On the brink of giving up, she is in total despair.

On top of that, Satan stands beside her, accusing her, “Look at this one! She has virtually no faith. What kind of Christian is she?”

That is when Jesus steps in! He sees her pain and knows that her faith is weak, so he goes before the Father on her behalf and begins to intercede for her. He becomes her Advocate! “Father, I know what this dear one feels. I’ve been there — rejected; mocked; spat upon. In desperation, I cried out, ‘Why have You forsaken Me?’ I sympathize with this woman, Father, but I have washed away her sins and she still has a heart for me.”

This is where Jesus’ prayers for us come in: “Father, I would that she be given a new supply of grace from on high. May the Holy Spirit come upon her with a special renewing of encouragement. Give her peace and rest in the Holy Spirit. She is mine and Satan cannot have her!”

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the woman feels encouraged because grace has been given to her through the prayers of our High Priest. He is touched by the feelings of our infirmities — and He acts in mercy.