

  • 12 Stones: Humility

    Gary Wilkerson

    [1 Peter 5:5-11] In today's society, pride and ambition are portrayed as positive traits. This is contradictory to what is taught in Scripture. We are to cover ourselves with humility. In order to walk in humility, we need to develop a trust in God. This comes only through a clear revelation of who God is. God cares about all your situations and can bring the best resolution. This trust brings the ability to act in humility with one another.

  • Becoming a Child of the Day

    Carter Conlon

    When we got saved Jesus took up residency in our heart and the very work that He was doing on earth came to us. He planted His heart and life in us and called us to join Him with His work on earth. A child of the day has a cry in their heart that says, “Jesus come and put a deposit of your love and life in me so I can reach out to the poor and needy.” In the last days the Bible says iniquity will abound and our love for one another will grow cold. It will get so vile and evil in the end times that many in the church will wrongly come to the conclusion that people are not worth giving our life for. This message reminds us not to bury the life of Christ in the cold ground of a hardened heart. Cry out to God until you are gripped with the value of one soul.

  • A Day and a Night in the Deep

    Carter Conlon

    In these last days we will face every kind of storm. When the waves of difficulties come crashing in on us we must trust God and stand on every promise in the Bible. When God says we are going to the other side we do not need a second opinion in the storm. There is supernatural strength that will be given to us when we choose to obey God and simply take Him at His Word. We are to grab on to the Cross and hold on until Jesus takes us to the other side. No additional word is necessary. What God has spoken should be good enough to keep us no matter how dark the days get.

  • Answers From a Secret Place of Thunder

    Carter Conlon

    As Christians we have within us the true God who spoke the universe into existence. The frailty of our vessels will not stop God from being God to us. When God allows us to go through difficult times we sometimes question if He is able to do the impossible in our situation. This message reminds us to take our eyes off our failures and fix our eyes on Jesus. Thank the Lord for what He has done for you. God will lead you into the secret place of thunder where the impossible becomes possible and the natural ends and the supernatural begins.

  • 12 Stones: Judgment

    Gary Wilkerson

    1 Peter 4 speaks of judgement in the house of God. This is not the wrath of God, but a deep purifying work in our hearts. He wants no compromise in His church. We must actively battle our flesh or it will be victorious in our lives. Inversely, we are called to be holy, self-controlled and sober-minded, but most of all filled with love for others.

  • When Obedience Makes You Dance

    Carter Conlon

    What would be the outcome if we would simply choose to obey God? At some point we have to realize that the same God who created the universe lives inside of us and will enable us to accomplish all that He's called us to do. There comes a time when God doesn't have to speak anymore because you already know what He wants you to do. God says put away the old man and put away the old nature. He is seeking for a man after His own heart who would simply walk in obedience with Him. Are you embracing something that God has clearly told you to put away? The word of the Lord to you today is obey God! Obedience is the beginning of the journey of dancing.

  • 12 Stones: Submission

    Gary Wilkerson

    [1 Peter 2:13–3:7] In our modern culture we don't want to be told what to do. Peter tells us we are called to be subject to authority — in government, on the job, and in the home. All of these positions of authority have been ordained by God. We are to submit even when we suffer wrongfully. In the example of Christ, we are to endure these trials. The reward of this suffering is a life in Christ like we have never known.

  • The Lord's Comforts Delight My Soul

    Teresa Conlon

    It doesn't matter how high the tides of anxiety rise, the Lord has made provision to comfort and delight our soul. How does Jesus break through an anxious and distracted heart? He speaks the same word to you that He spoke to Martha, “one thing is needful”. What did He mean by this? He is saying to His church that He has provided a place for us to sit beside Him. A place reserved just for you. When this truth pierces a Christian's heart we will find ourselves in His presence and the power of anxiety will be broken. He invites us to a place of divine participation and it is our privilege to wake up each morning and be found sitting at His feet. The cry of God to His church is to wake up and pray!