

  • The Community of the Cross

    William Carrol

    There is a real war going on and many of us are feeling the affects of it. In order for us to get on the victory side of this war we must accept Jesus' invitation to share a personal relationship with Him. When we receive this offer we are on the side where we can take the victory. In the presence of our enemies and in the midst of our struggles God will prepare a table for us. This is the communion table where, because of His shed blood, He has provided all the nutrients and strength for us. We need to see this in the dark times.

  • The Corinthian Problem: Grinding in the Prison House

    Carter Conlon

    Satan's plan for every true believer in Christ is to take away our spiritual vision and move us into a profitless labor where there is no outflow of the supernatural life. If our separation to God for the purpose of freeing others from oppression is willfully and unwittingly forfeited then we will become weak in the hands of the enemy. We are called to be separated unto God and empowered by the Spirit of God for the sake of every lost soul. If we would know the Lord's strength we must give Him our all and embrace His plan for our life.

  • Victory Over Temptation

    William Carrol

    The enemy of our souls would have us believe that the deck is stacked against us in this society. We are expected to believe that we are overwhelmed by the philosophy of this age. However, Jesus, in teaching us how to address God, also exposed us to the blessings and benefits that He won for us on Calvary. In Him, we realize that everything that we need to overcome temptation is found in our communion with God.

  • The Corinthian Problem: From Captive to Captain

    Carter Conlon

    When we begin to pray for those who are lost God will sometimes answer by sending a storm into their lives. During this storm our friends and family who have in past times rejected us will come to us for help in their time of need. God will allow us to begin to guide them with Godly direction and provision. When we are gripped by God for the souls of men He will gives us strength and wisdom to be broken bread for them. The only way we can make it on this journey is to understand that the suffering we go through is worth it for those who don't know Jesus yet.

  • Lasting Truth You Can Live By

    Neil Rhodes

    Change is inevitable, whether we face it or not we are constantly experiencing change. God wants us to know we can face change living for Him. In a world of change God is calling us to lean on Jesus so we can hear His heart when He begins to speak to us. It is time to stand up with authentic Christianity. We must take up a God given responsibility and stay spiritually connected to Jesus and the Body of Christ.

  • The Corinthian Problem: Be Sure, Your Sin Will Find You Out

    Carter Conlon

    The whole moral law calls us to be separate from the thinking of the world. If you settle in a certain comfort zone and begin to focus on self, to the exclusion of those who haven't come into your inheritance, this is the sin that will find you out. We can be sure that there will be a great personal cost to those who pursue self interest while there are others who still don't know the Lord. We are not called to live for ourselves. We are called to follow our Savior.

  • Garments of Praise

    Ben Crandall

    God wants to take from you the spirit of heaviness and give you the garment of praise. This is the ministry of Jesus Christ. Praise is important and vital because it places God in the right perspective. Heaviness comes when we put our problems in the place of God. God deserves all of our praise! On a good day or bad day He still deserves the praise. He earned it and died for it. Praise lifts us up into the supernatural and gives us the victory over all the powers of darkness.

  • The Corinthian Problem: The Preaching of the Cross

    Carter Conlon

    Redemption is not something to make us feel good. We are called to walk with Christ and share in His compassion for the lost. People cannot embrace the fullness of the Cross because they are not attracted to the selfless life it leads us into. The evidence that we embraced the Cross will be a life fully surrendered to the agenda of Jesus for humanity. We are called to take up our cross and allow our lives to be poured out for others.

  • El Poder Sanador de las Aflicciones

    David Wilkerson

    Dios usa aflicciones para atraernos a Su Palabra para que le permitamos tratar con los asuntos de nuestro corazón. Si no vemos a Dios en TODAS nuestras circunstancias, las buenas y las malas; nuestra fe estallará. Dios no está con nosotros a pesar de nuestro fracaso, pecado y vagancia; El está con nosotros a causa de ellas. Las misericordias de Dios están por encima de sus obras. Ve al Señor con un corazón abierto y deja que El te ame a través de tu dolor y sufrimiento.

  • Un Ambiente de Fe

    Gary Wilkerson

    Nosotros estamos, en cualquier momento, viviendo en un ambiente de temor o de fe. El Espíritu de Dios nos puede enseñar cómo salir de una vida de temor y movernos a una de fe. Podemos construir un ambiente de fe contagiosa.