

  • Dios me llamó por nombre

    Gary Wilkerson

    ¿Alguna vez te has sentido indigno, inútil o sin llamado? Aprende la deleitosa sorpresa del reino que Jesús llama a la gente más inusual para hacer tareas asombrosas.

  • Trembling Heart

    Gary Wilkerson

    The Word of God calls us to come before him in fear and trembling. A trembling heart is one that understands the majesty of God along with the awesome joy and honor to be called into his presence.

  • The Great and Final Apostasy

    David Wilkerson

    There are some denominations that have forgotten their roots and forsaken the old paths adopting even the homosexual agenda. They preach a polluted and diluted gospel that no longer deals with the blood of Jesus and the Cross. Many Christians are given over to spiritual harlotry and sit comfortable in their sin without any desire to be convicted or corrected but rather prefer to hear smooth messages. In the midst of this wickedness God is going to move supernaturally by His Spirit and cause us to cease from this apostasy and harlotry. In these last days God will remember His covenant and pour out His grace and mercy and redeem a people unto Himself.

  • La Gran y Última Apostasía

    David Wilkerson

    Hay algunas denominaciones que han olvidado sus raíces y han abandonado el antiguo camino hasta adoptando la agenda homosexual. Ellos predican un evangelio contaminado y diluido que ya no trata con la sangre de Jesús y la Cruz. Muchos cristianos están entregados a “harlotry” spiritual y se sientan cómodos en su pecado sin ningún deseo de ser convencidos o corregidos sino más bien prefieren escuchar un mensaje suave. En medio de esta maldad Dios va a moverse sobrenaturalmente por su Espiritu y va hacer que dejemos nuestra apostasía y “harlotry”. En estos últimos días Dios recordará Su pacto y derramará Su gracia y misericordia y redimirá a su pueblo a Si mismo.

  • Oil Beaten for the Light

    Carter Conlon

    God is light and in Him there is no darkness. God wants a testimony of this light working in us to be a clear display that God cares for us and no matter what we have to go through He is carrying us and His presence is sufficient to sustain us. The power source of this light is Jesus Christ and His life burning in us. This light is not kindled by man and cannot be put out by man. There is a process of brokenness and crushing that God will allow in our lives that will produce a cry that will say, "Father into your hands I commit my spirit." It is a crushing that produces a cry and a commitment that we will be a flame of fire burning for Jesus Christ.

  • When Religion Wants To Be Worshipped

    Carter Conlon

    The devil was corrupted by his distorted image of himself and in this corruption he desired to be worshipped. The very heart of Satan finds refuge in religion and causes false teachers and false prophets to be moved outside of the true works of God. These types of preachers make their way into pulpits and bow down to the worship and agenda of man. When worship is true worship the voice of God is immediately heard. Wisdom is found of God as we lay down our treasures at His feet with no agenda of personal gain. True worship is content in seeking the likeness of Christ and is surrendered totally to His purposes.

  • We Do Know

    Patrick Pierre

    We do know that we know Him - the evidence of this knowledge is that we obey His commandments. We know that we are in Him - there is an assurance that comes into our souls because of the Spirit that abides in us. God has a people who are intimately acquainted with Him and that know how to tell the difference between truth and fiction. When you are unsure of what the future holds and you are seeking guidance, God has a living word for you. God will lead and guide you. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. This message is intended for those 29 and under.

  • Believing the Whispers of God

    Carter Conlon

    We may be experiencing adversity and various trials but if you have an honest heart God will instruct us and guide us with His Word. When the Lord has used His servant and His touch has come upon us there is a season of weeping and spiritual fatigue that will follow. It is in these seasons that Satan himself will come with roaring accusations and attempt to lead us into a wilderness and a sense of powerlessness. It is complete fiction to believe the devil has any power to take you as a sincere believer from the security of your position through Christ in God. The devil can only come against us with roaring lies but in REALITY he has no power to do this. God Himself will come and whisper His mercy and love to show us we are not alone and evil will not triumph over us. He will vanquish our enemies with a still small voice and comfort and nourish us.

  • Are You a Tree Hugger

    Neil Rhodes

    God wants to bring exceptional deliverance and healing to His people. The way we see ourselves and the way we perceive situations can block us and stop us from what God has planned for our life. There is an incredible plan that God has for our life, but if we cling to the branches of our own religious beliefs, culture, and self concepts we will miss the will of God. We must not hug the tree of self perception, but instead  embrace the tree of Calvary. When God calls us He has the power and ability to change every misconception in our lives.