

  • How to Do What You Cannot Do


    Gary Wilkerson

    We all have things for which we hope. Some of those things we can accomplish ourselves, but others require a miraculous move of God. We can hope for things, but that does not mean they are a promise from God. Jesus will initiate and perfect our faith for the things He has promised. Do not be weighed down, slowed down or tripped up. Keep your eyes on Jesus, our champion. He is faithful to fulfill His promises in your life.

  • Compromised Christians Under Conviction


    Gary Wilkerson

    In King Herod, we see a man who was convicted by John the Baptist's preaching and enjoyed it. Yet Herod was a compromised man—swayed by the pleasures of this world and peer pressure. When we are given to compromise we give away a portion of our freedom in Christ, our faith, our peace, etc. We are living in a generation when God is calling men and women to stand uncompromising and preach the gospel unashamedly. Step out in faith and believe God will provide the escape from compromise—no matter how great or small it may seem.

  • 8th Day Revival


    Neil Rhodes

    Jesus made no random statements while ministering when he was alive. Everything was in accordance both to the will of His Father and the fulfillment of scripture. In this message, you will see His loud proclamation, "if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink," is a phenomenal promise from the Old Testament being fulfilled. He has come to revive the weary!

  • A Promise That You Will Never Fall

    Carter Conlon

    In an age of bitter fragmentation, increasing intolerance and breakdown in our society the body of Christ must come together in a true God breathed love. God promises the fullness of His power that will keep us from falling when we choose unity in the body and love for one another. Today—choose to let go of all bitterness and resentment and God will fill you with His love.

  • Jesus Can Still Do This


    Gary Wilkerson

    In Mark 5, we see vignettes of three types of faith. “You Can” faith believes in the possibility that God can do something. “I Will” faith is a declarative faith that goes beyond believing something can happen to believing that it will happen. And the third type of faith is “Jesus Still Can.” This is faith that believes even though the situation looks hopeless, Jesus can still do a miracle—bringing life where there is death and hope were there is none.

  • Promise Of A Captive Nation

    Carter Conlon

    There is an incredible promise for the nation that has drifted away from the things of God and now find themselves in captivity. There is still a way forward for the people of God. God‘s response to a nation that is drifting away from Him with incredible forgiveness and miraculous mercy. For every sincere heart that can hear the voice of God He is calling you back into His love and purposes.

  • Bones Holding Bibles


    Gary Wilkerson

    The very many and very dry bones in Ezekiel can be seen as the many lost souls that need salvation; but they can also be seen as the many dry Christians we have in the church today. Are there lost people in your life who need salvation? Pray and prophesy that life would come into their dry bones. Have you grown cold in your walk with the Lord? Pray and prophesy, asking God to, once again, breathe his Spirit upon you.