

Stories from the Field

  • Coronavirus in the Middle East

    World Challenge Staff

    Already hard-hit by economic woes, Lebanon is staggering under the COVID quarantines, so how are World Challenge partners responding?

    We serve Syrian refugees and other vulnerable people in Lebanon. For the last couple years, we have been focusing on education, psychosocial support, counseling and vocational training.

  • Prayer and a Light for Ukraine

    Bruce Mir

    While Ukrainian church leaders are building up new believers in the love and security of God, the coronavirus is shaking their nation with fear and uncertainty.

    God has really been growing his church the last few years since the revolution here in Ukraine, and we’ve been privileged to come alongside many open hearts that are now experiencing God and his love for the first time.

  • Handling COVID-19 in Uganda

    Kent Nolley

    Africa has not featured heavily in much of recent news, but they are still being deeply impacted by the specter of the coronavirus.

    In the middle of March, the coronavirus came into Uganda, and it has devastated our economy like it has for many other countries in the world. The problem that we have here is that there are no government structures in place to deal with it.

  • A Blessing in Egypt

    Mark Buzzetta

    “In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth. For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will say, “Blessed be Egypt, my people…” (Isaiah 19:24-25 NLT).

    My name is Samira. I live in a village in Egypt. I am 29 years old, a Christian, a mother of 3 beautiful children. I am a widow.

  • Fueled by Passion and the Call

    Keith Holloway

    Ministers and the church in Egypt are working tirelessly to reach their people, despite a challenging Muslim culture.

    Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world and the second-most densely populated nation on the African continent, and nearly all of the country's people are packed into the cities of Cairo and Alexandria.

  • Making the Music of Freedom

    Rachel Chimits

    As God moves in his life, one man is rediscovering the musical abilities that seemed lost in the sea of heroin addiction.

    According to government studies, nearly 22 million Americans are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

    Jerry Nance, director of Global Teen Challenge, points out that the world is in an epidemic of addiction. No matter where he goes—India, the Netherlands, Vietnam, America—he has found that drugs are the modern method of drowning out pain and hopelessness.

  • Loving in Deed and in Truth

    Rachel Chimits

    World Challenge believes that caring for people’s most basic needs like food can be the most loving thing we do when they cry out for help.

    The Bible speaks regularly and strongly about how God’s people are to care for those who are less fortunate, and it’s clear that we are meant to care for each other in times of need.