I Once Longed For New Things To Obey

Carter Conlon

This message is a wakeup call for those who started out with a passionate whole-hearted trust in God and are now beginning to move from walking in the spirit to walking in the flesh. You can cut off the source of the strength of God by coming to church and worshipping God even though you know clearly that you are doing something God told you not to do. Be careful of the mindset that thinks you can do whatever you want in spite of God is telling you to do, and thinking you will not be held accountable for it. When your faith is tested on the altar beware of turning from walking in the spirit to walking in human reasoning. You do not have to finish poorly. God is drawing us back into His Word and calling us to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice. Today is the day to put away all that would hinder your walk with the Lord. Stay in God’s presence until you heart burns again for the Word of God.