• You Shall Know the Truth

    You Shall Know the Truth

    William Carrol

    Why is it important to know truth? What is truth? We know truth is a not something, it is someone. Jesus is truth. Knowing the truth gives us victory over the fiery darts of deception. The war against the devil is fought by the Holy Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit causes us to be intimately involved with the one who is truth. As we interact with the Holy Spirit He fights in us and through us. We cannot fight in our own strength. The Battle is the Lord's!

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  • Say Goodbye to Captivity - Part 2

    Say Goodbye to Captivity - Part 2

    Teresa Conlon

    The Word of the Lord for 2009 is, "go forward" and say goodbye to captivity. Jesus will begin to curse deep rooted sin, deep rooted prayerlessness and powerlessness. We will be given power to speak to every mountain of impossibility because Jesus cursed the root of it! This is our time to believe that in the 2009 we will say goodbye to everything that has held us captive. It is time for the church to "go forward" into the miraculous!

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  • Say Goodbye to Captivity

    Say Goodbye to Captivity

    Carter Conlon

    Think of the thing you struggle with the most and by faith say goodbye to it. If we are called by God the powers of darkness know the potential we have in Christ. When we come to our red sea of impossibility God promises every enemy will be drowned behind us. There is a glory that will come upon a people who choose to get into the Word of God and simply declare the impossible possible. There will be a people in this last hour of time who have the testimony of Jesus Christ and a glory song that the world must reckon with. This day captivity will be broken and your song will be, "only God can do this"! It is time to go forward into the miraculous!

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  • The Willingness to Love

    The Willingness to Love

    Carter Conlon

    It's not easy to love people. How can we love people the way Christ loves us? Loving others is hopeless unless we abide in Christ and allow Him to do through us what we cannot do for ourselves. It has to be Christ in us - the newness of His life and love flowing in us and through us. Unconditional giving of ourselves is the basis for an explosion of joy! Start loving and be ready for the miraculous.

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  • Moses and His Rod

    Moses and His Rod

    Ben Crandall

    Whenever we decide to move forward in Christ Satan will always counter attack us. The enemy will use strategies such as compromise, fear and threaten us about the next generation. It is time to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ defeated all the power of the enemy and because we put our trust in Him we will make it through every Red Sea of impossibility!

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  • Shall the Dust Praise Thee?

    Shall the Dust Praise Thee?

    Carter Conlon

    Those who are governed by their fallen nature make attempts to be spiritual apart from the enablement of the life of Christ. Satan convinces man that it is of value to live life by self effort. It is this kind or reasoning that leads us into despair. The way out of despair is understanding that Jesus Christ was brought into the deepest places of sin and darkness yet He has triumphed over them. When Jesus Christ went into the grave and resurrected from the dead He broke the power over the devil and despair. We must choose to let God be God in us. This is the finest hour for the Church of Jesus Christ. God is calling us to get up and shake ourselves out of the dust.

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  • Money, Mules and Travel

    Money, Mules and Travel

    Carter Conlon

    In these last days we have to know the voice of God and the cry of God. Jesus longs to reveal Himself to His church and with that revelation will come the knowledge of His burden for the lost. If we desire to hear God's voice we have to hear the whole package, the provision of God and the cry of God for the helplessness of humanity. We must offer all that we are so that God's heart would be satisfied in the earth. If you are willing to be given for others you will know and hear the voice of Jesus. The question is, "Will you give your all for the glory of God"?

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    The Last Day Image of Christ

    The Last Day Image of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    There is a vision of God that comes into the heart of a man or woman when they stand before the throne of Jesus and pray, "Use my life for the souls of this generation." There is an incredible joy and provision when our heart is one with this plan of God. Carter Conlon reminds us that God will be faithful and avenge us speedily of the self-focus in us that hides the image of Christ. In these last days whose image do you reflect? It's time to shine for Jesus!

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  • Touching the Tears of Failure

    Touching the Tears of Failure

    Carter Conlon

    The plan of God is not hindered in our life because of our failures and frailties. We will be brought into an incredible battle through the events of our life. Questions will bombard our mind such as, "Have I grieved you? Did I miss God? Did I really hear from God?" Through this time of discouragement God is working behind the scenes and like living water that can flow through every hindrance, He will bypass our failures and frailties and bring us into His divine purpose and plan. When we see Jesus at the end of our journey He will begin to wipe away all our tears. We are going to a place where there is no sorrow or pain, so take heart!

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