
    An End Times Call to Repentance

    An End Times Call to Repentance

    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson examines the progressive decline of the church as addressed by Jesus to John in the Book of Revelation. As each church is encouraged and built up by Jesus, he also brings up issues that need to be corrected. Jesus and the Bible deal with sin, and so should the church today. Sin is not to be taken lightly. We know that in Christ there is no condemnation, but the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to point out areas in your life that are compromised. The remedy is repentance.

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  • A Day When Many Walked Away From Jesus

    A Day When Many Walked Away From Jesus

    Carter Conlon

    Jesus is the bread of life, He came down from heaven not to do His own will but to do the will of His Father. Don’t walk away from Jesus to go your own way and do your own will. If you want to be truly satisfied in this life, make the choice to pray, “not my will but thine be done.” After you make that choice, prepare to be sent and supplied with supernatural power.

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    Ultimate Favor

    Ultimate Favor

    Gary Wilkerson

    There is something better than an unlimited favor that provides for your desires—it's an ultimate favor of God himself. In this week's sermon, Gary Wilkerson reminds us that the blessings we seek should never overshadow or hinder our desire of his presence above all else.

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    Proclaiming Your Favor

    Proclaiming Your Favor

    Gary Wilkerson

    We all have times in life, and you may be there now, when we need a miraculous breakthrough of divine favor from God. You’re in a season of petitioning—pleading with God from the depths of your heart. You may need to wait there for a little while, but eventually you need to move into a time of proclaiming God’s promises and favor over your situation. Don’t pull back from what God wants to do in your life. Instead, step forward in faith, knowing that He is a good Father who wants to bless you.

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    Special Favor

    Special Favor

    Gary Wilkerson

    Experiencing hardship can make us cry out as Jesus did, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" Suffering can make God seem far away, but in our darkest moments—especially then—our Father is at work to bring great blessing and favor to us, his beloved children.

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    Overwhelming Victory

    Overwhelming Victory

    Gary Wilkerson

    Life can be going your way when all of sudden hardship and difficulties come flying at you. That’s what happened to the disciples when Jesus was arrested, crucified and sealed in a tomb. Faith, hope and expectation are replaced by confusion, doubt and skepticism. We can’t stay down though. We can’t let unbelief become our lifestyle. The disciples experienced a setback on Friday and Saturday, but on Sunday experienced overwhelming victory! Get up. Press forward. Your victory is coming!

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    A Donkey or a Horse

    A Donkey or a Horse

    Michael Petillo

    Pastor Michael Petillo looks at the triumphal entry of Jesus from the perspective of a Roman soldier. Millions of people crowded into Jerusalem during the Jewish religious celebrations—creating great tension and potential for an uprising against Roman occupation. Yet, when Jesus rode in, with the crowds shouting, the Roman soldiers did nothing. Perhaps they thought this was a ridiculous spectacle. The soldiers were used to seeing triumphant kings riding in on horses and chariots, not on a donkey. In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Michael Petillo asks, "Why a donkey and not a horse?"

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    Showing Favor

    Showing Favor

    Gary Wilkerson

    The blessings you receive from God are not meant to be stored up for yourself, but given away to others. Jesus shines brightest when you give your life away. Look for opportunities to show favor, bless others and meet needs.

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  • Evil Is At The Gate

    Evil Is At The Gate

    Carter Conlon

    America is on the verge of being given to the godless. The value system of the godless is being imposed on this generation and this will result in the darkest time for America. As the true Christians we are the only ones who have the power to push back this darkness. We are called to humble ourselves and pray. It’s time to turn away from sin, trust God for the power to live right and allow our hearts to be turned to the needs of others.

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  • Unprecedented Upgrades

    Unprecedented Upgrades

    Gary Wilkerson

    Do you have a friend who seems to always get unprecedented upgrades—on flights, at events, in lines? It may even be that you have a friend who seems to have more of God's favor and blessing. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at people in the Bible who received unprecedented upgrades from God. What do all of these people have in common? They said yes and amen to the promises of God. They were not afraid to boldly ask God for the desires of their heart. And they believed that God loved them, wanted to bless them and was looking out for them.

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