
    Sanctify Yourself: For Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You

    Sanctify Yourself: For Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You

    Carter Conlon

    Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua knew that their reliance had to be totally on the leading of God and not on human intellect. You and I realistically do not have anything to add to the kingdom of God except obedience and a heart that loves the Lord Jesus Christ. Carter Conlon encourages you to bring your life to God today; whether it was spent for righteous or unrighteous purposes, or looks like it is of great value or of no value. Let the miracle begin with you!

    It's good to be home. Thank God. I was sharing with the choir this morning after an extended vacation this summer with my wife, Teresa, it's awesome to come here on Sunday and all of my mountains or molehills. I'm totally at rest in my mind. I told the choir I'm going to enjoy it for the three days that it's going to last. Thank God for His presence and peace. Thank God for what He's about to do in our midst.

    I want you to direct your attention to Joshua 3 this morning, if you will, Joshua 3. It's the longest message title I've ever had, I think, in my lifetime, but it goes this way, "Sanctify Yourselves: For Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You." Now Father, I have rarely felt carried by the Spirit into the pulpit as I do this morning. I know your hand is on me. I know you have spoken to my heart. God Almighty, that's who you are, God Almighty, all Merciful, all Powerful, all Glorious.

    Lord Jesus Christ, in spite of our frailties, Lord, in spite of our best efforts which fall short of the glory of God, we call out to you one more time to come in mercy, one more time to let there be an expression in this church and in this city and in this nation of who you are, in spite of the fact that people spit in your face, yet still you remain merciful, and your arms remain open, and you send rain on the just and the unjust. Help us Lord Jesus Christ to lay hold of your heart.

    I pray that you touch this frail body in a new way. Touch this frail mind with the wisdom of heaven. I yield my body to you, Lord, that, You may speak through me and live in me. I ask only one thing that your name be glorified, and that men, women and children be saved. Jesus, Son of God, speak to us today. To every heart, Lord, Your voice can go a lot deeper than mine. I can only speak one thought at one time, but you can speak a thousand ways to different hearts, for you know the needs in this room.

    You know the struggles, the trials, the thoughts you've walked with each one of us through our days. And you've stood with us, Lord, when we're not even aware that you're there. No, God speak today. That's all I ask. Speak to us and give us the power of the Holy Spirit that we may be a people set apart for you in this final hour. Father, I thank you for this, in Jesus' name.

    Joshua 3 beginning at verse one to verse five, "And Joshua arose early in the morning, and the moved from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all of the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host. And they commanded the people, saying, "When ye see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it."

    "Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about 2,000 cubits by measure. Come not near unto it, that you may know the way by which you must go for you have not passed this way heretofore." And Joshua said unto the people, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow, the Lord will do wonders among you." It had been a long journey in the wilderness. Forty years or so before, another generation had come to these same borders of what was once promised to them.

    Yet they had made a wrong choice. In their hearts, they felt to go ahead in the plan of God that would bring glory to His name and make them as was promised Abraham a blessing in the earth was too difficult. They felt that they would make leaders and go back to what they had left behind. They thought that there might be something in the ways of Egypt that would satisfy, only to find themselves living in a desert place and dying there for over 40 years.

    How tragic It must have been for the people walking through that wilderness. They would have the recollection of the promises that were given to them, that they were going to go into a land that would flow with milk and honey. In other words, it would be such a rich pasture, that there would be plenty of clover for the bees, and there would be plenty of pasture for the cows. It would literally be a place of divine nourishment, only to look down and all that was around them was dust and if they picked it up in their hands, it would just fall through their fingers.

    That's the type of a spiritual life and journey that people end up on when we see the plan of God and choose an alternate path for our lives. Now, another generation has come to this place. If you have the ears to hear, this morning, we've arrived at an incredible season in the testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ in our time. We've arrived at a season where there's an awareness that God is willing to do something far beyond the normative standard church attendance.

    He's willing to do the miraculous, to set people free, to give sight, to put meaning and purpose in our hearts, and to release to us as it is the promised land which is Jesus Christ, the life that God promises through his Son. No longer just a text written on pages of scripture but can become a living reality. For some of us in an unprecedented way. My only prayer lately that I've been praying is God Almighty, fill me with your Holy Spirit again.

    I need to be carried by the Holy Spirit. I need to be enabled by the Holy Spirit. I need the power of the Holy Spirit to live a righteous life. I need the power of God to see the scriptures and understand it. I need the mind of God to know how to go forward because without the mind of God, all I can do is diminish the testimony of Christ in my own life and in the church that He's called me to pastor.

    As they came to the borders, again, which I believe that we are at at this 25th anniversary time of Times Square Church and the season that we're living in. They took three days, and just camped there. Most likely, it was a time of reflection. The people would be looking across the Jordan at all that God had promised would be theirs. They would be thinking, I suppose, about the volumes of people before them who looked at the same place as maybe stood somewhat in the same vicinity, looking across at the promises, and yet not being able to form a right heart, not being able to go in, succumbing to fear, succumbing to an inner desire that says, "Well, we know a better way than the way of God."

    We want to be called the people of God, but we don't want to pay the price to walk with Him. There had to be an awareness in their hearts that the victory would not come, but through personal cost and obedience. There would be casualties, and they would be aware of that. There would be people who would pay a price. We're living in a generation where we would be wise to consider that to walk with God in the fullness of what he has for us, there will be some who will pay a price.

    Some will go through and their whole journey and testimony will be about provision, will be about victory, will be about songs of joy. Thank God for that, but some will have to go first, and their testimony will be as the early church. It will be about scorning and ridicule and mockery and even imprisonments and difficulties. They had to pay a price, and they were aware of this. We would be wise to be aware of this today. We're living in a generation that is not for Christ.

    I think that's becoming more evident as time is going on. We're at a very real crossroads in this country right now, very real, very real. We're on the very edge, and we're either going to go with God or we're going to go into abject godlessness. It's not going to go both ways for much longer. There has to be a revival. There has to be prayer again. We've got to get in the scriptures and walk seriously with God. There has to be a testimony.

    Joshua knew that their reliance had to be totally on the leading of God and not on human intellect. The officers after three days went through the host, and they commanded the people and said, "When you see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, when you see that which represented the presence and the power of God, and you see the priests the Levites bearing it, when you see the leadership that God has placed over you beginning to move in a certain direction, he said, get up from where you are and go with it. Go after it."

    "If you see the leadership moving in a certain direction, the time of sitting and reflecting is over. The time for action has come. The time to stop studying about who is your neighbor and the time to go to your neighbor has come." This is where we're living today. No longer an option just to study and use that as a mask for inaction. Like the lawyer came to Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" What a ridiculous question for somebody that's supposed to be teaching the people.

    He said, "There shall be a space between you and it, about 2,000 cubits by measure, come not near to it, that you may know the way by which you must go for you have not passed this way before." In other words, in the excitement with what God is about to do, be careful that you don't run ahead of God. Many revivals are brought into confusion and even reproach because the people, they get excited because we've been waiting for so long for the Lord to do something on a grander scale than we've known.

    When he starts to, there's this tendency to want to run with it, to want to, in a sense, leave behind the leading of God and make something happen. It leads the work of God into confusion because you and I realistically don't have anything to add to the kingdom of God except obedience and hearts that love the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, "Keep a distance, and be aware that if you run ahead of God, you're going to make some tragic mistakes."

    Now, listen to the caution that the Lord's given me this morning. "And Joshua said to the people, "Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." The word in the original text. Here's what it means, to be made clean, to be regarded as holy, to be set aside for the worship of God, to be withheld from ordinary use, and treated with special care as something which belongs to God. In other words, be set apart. Walk cleanly.

    Be a living testimony of the fact that Christ is risen from the dead. Be set aside for the worship of God. Even if people don't worship God, live in such a manner that when they see you, they're forced to consider the reality of God. Don't live an ordinary life. Realize that you are a high priesthood, a holy people. You are a peculiar people. You're called to show forth the life of He who has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

    Joshua was keenly aware that even Moses was forbidden entrance into the supernatural place of promise, because he had failed to sanctify the Lord before the people. That would have been a truth that was so deeply embedded in his heart. In Numbers 27, let me just read it to you, verses 12 to 14, "The Lord said to Moses, "Get thee up into this Mount Abarim, and see the land which I have given unto the children of Israel."

    "And when you've seen it, you'll be gathered to your people, as Aaron, your brother was gathered. For you rebelled against my commandment in the desert of Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify me at the water before their eyes." Joshua was aware, even Moses. Now, think about this, could see it but couldn't go into it, because he failed to sanctify. What it means, he failed to set God apart as other than men are.

    Moses representing God took the staff and struck twice the rock. When God was wanting to be merciful, he portrayed him as angry. Many preachers don't go in to the life that Christ offers, because they portray God as an angry God, when in His heart, He desires to be merciful. There is a day of justice and retribution and judgment coming, rightly deserved by all of humanity, but till that day, God remains a merciful God.

    We begin to pray and fast for three days for, next week, for the the promises of spiritual healing for our city and for our nation. Listen to what the Psalmist says, and I'll read it to you again in Psalm 66:17-20, "I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me, but verily God has heard me and has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which has not turned away my prayer nor his mercy from me."

    Wouldn't it be awesome for you and I to be able to say that at the end of three days? Blessed be God, He heard me, and He didn't turn away from me. He didn't withhold His mercy from me. I came to him honestly. I didn't come to him in pretense. I didn't come to him proudly. I didn't come to him boasting of my own righteousness or faithfulness, because none of us are righteous or faithful in ourselves, but I came to him honestly.

    I stood before God, and I said, "Lord, I want to be set aside for you. I want to live righteously. I want to be a man or woman of God who makes a difference in my generation. I want your glory to come into my home and touch my children, my grandchildren, and my nieces and nephews and my brothers and my sisters. I want your glory in my house. I want you to be the Christ of my life. I want the divine resource of heaven that's promised to those who belong to God to be mine."

    I'm tired of mediocrity. I'm tired of talking about something I should be walking. I'm tired about reading in history what you did through somebody else at some other time, and just like the people at that border, they had to be considering this one more time and saying, "God Almighty, if it costs me my life, then let it cost me my life, but I'm going to go in and I want what is mine." If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.

    Now, here's what it means, "If I regard iniquity in my heart." To regard means to see something intellectually. That means to experience something, to understand something, and to enjoy something. That's regarding. Iniquity means sin first and foremost. That means to see that what I'm doing is sin, to intellectually understand it, to experience it, and to enjoy it is regarding iniquity. It also means falsehood. That means I know that what I'm doing is wrong.

    I'm experiencing something that I know is wrong. I understand that what I'm doing is wrong, but I enjoy what I'm doing even though it's wrong. It means emptiness. It means the planning and expression of deception. If I know that what I'm doing is deceptive yet I continue to do it, it means being bent, crooked like an arrow missing the mark. It means to deal deceitfully as under a cloak. It means to live two ways, one way in public and another way in private.

    If I regard, it doesn't mean that Christian people don't struggle. We all struggle, but there's a difference between being in a place where you're having to trust God for the victory or being in a place where you don't want the victory. You've made peace with your sin. You've opened the door. You've invited it in. You've sat it down, and you're feeding it and nurturing it, and you're enjoying it. It gets to the point where you're able to call evil good, and call good evil.

    Folks, I've seen this deception in people. It's a terrifying thing. That's why Jesus said, "If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness?" A person who knows the truth but lives in sin for a long time eventually will succumb to the fallen sin nature in us that wants to be as God. Remember, that was the temptation of Satan in the Garden of Eden. You will be as God, and you will be able to say or know what is good and what is evil.

    Eventually, when you play with sin for too long, something gets into the mind. Something gets into the spirit, and wrong becomes right, and somehow this twisted, spiritual thinking comes into a person's mind where they're doing something abjectly wrong. They once knew it was but now they believe it's righteous or somehow God understands it. Even though the scripture says they walk in the imagination of their heart, they somehow believe that all will be well, when it won't be well.

    If I'm aware of a false practice in my life, and I make no effort to move away from it, that's regarding iniquity. I make no effort. I know it's wrong, but I don't move away from it. Listen to what Paul says, how he describes this. I'm going to read it to you again. Just listen to me, please. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?"

    Now, it's not just a future inheritance. It's a present inheritance. Remember Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is within you." That which is the promised land is Christ. It's the Word of God. It's the redemption of God. It's the power of God. It's the new life that is promised to us through Jesus Christ. Do you not know the the unrighteous will not inherit this kingdom?

    We will read about it, but never know it. Don't be deceived, neither fornicators. That means people who are engaged in sexual activity outside of marriage. "Nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, it means male prostitutes, nor abusers of themselves with mankind." That means people who are practicing homosexuality. "Nor thieves, nor covetous." That means greedy people. "Nor drunkards, nor revilers." That means people who live and slander other people without conscience.

    "Nor extortioners, that means people who cheat in all of its various forms, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Be not deceived." Now, you and I can sit at the borders of the land of promise and study and know it, but Paul says, "Don't deceive yourself." If you live in these things and are not moving away from them, I'm not saying that people don't struggle with this. Don't misunderstand me, but the child of God is not willing to make peace with sin.

    The true child of God moves away from it and begins to say, "Lord, you said that if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation. The old things are passed away and all things have become new. You said the Spirit of God is upon me, because he sent me to open the prison doors to those that are bound, give sight to the spiritually blind, to heal those that have been bruised in heart, to set free the captives."

    "That's what you said, Jesus, so therefore, I'm not making peace with this. I'm not going to live this way. I'm not going to deceive myself. I'm getting up, and I'm walking out of here by the power of Christ within me." Paul says such were some of you. I like that when he writes to the Corinthian church, he said, "Some of you were these things, but you're washed. You're sanctified. You're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."

    "You came to Calvary for your cleansing. You trusted God, that His Word is true and His Holy Spirit is adequate to make that word a living reality in your life. You knew that the blood of Jesus brought you into a place of acceptance with the Almighty God, not by works of righteousness, but by His mercy. You knew that you sit in Christ at the right hand of God, but you're not willing to do despite to this Spirit of grace."

    You're not willing to take this position that God sets you in and somehow make it an unclean thing. No, you have a genuine conversion in your heart, and so by the Spirit of the Almighty God, you said, "Lord, I'm up and I'm out, and I'm going to live the life that God has provided for me in Christ Jesus." Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. If I truly see the calling of God on my life, now, God called me as he called Abraham.

    He called you as he called Abraham. He said, "I'm going to multiply you, which is what he will do. I'll make you more than you are. I'll give you more than you have. I'll take you to more places than you can ever go in your own strength. And I'm going to bless you, and through you, he said, all the people of the world are going to be blessed." This is the calling of God. This is the calling of God on my life. This is the calling of God on your life.

    Now, it takes various forms. I'm called to walk a certain path, and you're called to walk another, but every one of our callings are for the specific purpose of bringing glory to Jesus Christ and bringing men to Christ on the earth. If I see the calling of God, and I hold it lightly or, like Esau, I consider it of little value. If I see what I'm called to be and I choose a lesser pathway, then heaven may one day be my home, but like those who chose the wilderness, the fullness of that which Jesus would have been in and through my life will fall like sand through my hands if I choose a lesser path.

    Everyone has that choice. You and I must be aware of this today. In order for us to see what I believe God wants to do, it is not going to be Christianity like usual. There's going to be a measure of obedience that perhaps many of us have not had to face in this degree before. I want one more time just to read to you, and I've read it so many times in this church, but I have to read it again because I know this is what God is speaking to my heart. It's what he's speaking to this church.

    "Is not this the fast that I've chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, that you let the oppressed go free and break every yoke? Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry and you bring the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, you cover him and that you do not hide from your own flesh." The other translations just say from human need or humankind. "If you do these things," now here's the promised land, "then your light will break forth as the morning."

    "Your health will spring forth speedily. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your protection or your reward. Then you will call and the Lord will answer. You will cry and he will say, "Here I am." If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, in other words, make a concerted effort to help people, the putting forth of the finger, that means blame, and speaking vanity empty talk, and if you draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light will rise in obscurity, and your darkness will be as the noon day."

    "And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and make fat your bones, and you will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not." This is a promise of God, not just to Israel through Isaiah, but to those of us who are grafted into this promise through Jesus Christ. As adopted children into these promises of God, they belong to us. The Lord will guide you. The Lord will satisfy your soul, even when there's no water around.

    He will make fat your bones. You'll be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters don't fail. Didn't Jesus say that whoever believes in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water? And those that be of you will build the old waste places, and you will raise up the foundations of many generations, and you will be called the repairer of the breach, and the restorer of paths to dwell in."

    The ones who patched up the wall where the enemy was able to get in and walk among the people with the testimony of God, seemingly without any hindrance, you'd be the one who repairs this breach, and restores the paths to dwell in. If you and I are willing to take seriously the call of God that he's placed on each of our lives. The question we must ask ourselves today is simply, "Do we care enough about other people to live in a manner that allows God's power and testimony to flow through us to them? Do we care enough?"

    Do we really fully understood why we are part of the Church of Jesus Christ? Do we really understand why the church is in the world? What is the purpose and the point of the church? It's not just an exclamation point to the cross. The church is the continued work, bringing men and women to the understanding of what the cross was all about, by being an example to them of the Christ, who gave his all that people might come to know Him.

    Technically speaking, the first one saved when they went into the promised land was a harlot and her family. These things don't happen by accident. It's a prostitute and her family. This was the first people. Now, when I say saved, I'm not talking about necessarily redeemed. I'm talking about, although there's discussion we could have about that at some other time, but what I'm talking about is physically saved was a harlot, a prostitute.

    It's a type of you and I going to those that don't have anybody that cares about them. They don't have a lot to add to the big program. They are not the upper middle and upper class. How tragic in our generation that we've had churches that have actually built their growth strategy on pushing away the poor, and reaching out to the upper class. I'm not against this people who live there. Thank God for that, but what a tragedy, how you have so vacated the scriptures to even think like that, how people have walked away from truth to even allow that kind of absurd thinking into the church of Jesus Christ.

    It proves that it's become a carnal kingdom and not a spiritual kingdom. [applause] Give us the poor, the addicted, the marginalized. These folks become some of the greatest evangelists the church has ever known. [applause] You don't have to give them a course of how to talk about Jesus. They'll talk about Jesus the moment they get saved. [applause] Do we believe that God is willing to do wonders among us again? I do. I do with all my heart. I do.

    I'm simply unwilling to live in the realm of humanly trying to reason the kingdom of God when God's power is available to us. I believe that Jesus Christ opens prison doors. I believe He gives sight to the blind. I believe that he heals the wounded in heart. I believe that he opens the treasure of heaven to those that know they're poor. I believe this with all my heart. I believe that he heals, releases and sets free. I believe that he empowers.

    I believe that he makes new creations. [applause] I believe it with everything in me. I believe he does it so powerfully and so profoundly that the only testimony you and I have is Jesus, the name of Jesus. There's no other testimony. [applause] I believe that he breaks the power of tormenting thought that the devil has planted in people's minds. I believe that he erases the imprints of all of the evil of this world that has tried to gravitate and hold onto people's spirits.

    I believe he gives hope where there is no hope. He gives strength where there is no strength. He gives ability where there is no ability. I believe it with all my heart. [applause] I believe that he heals marriages. He takes hopeless, powerless situations, and puts love back where there is no love. I believe that with all my heart. [applause] I believe that he heals the sick. I believe he can raise the dead. I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe.

    I believe with all my heart. [applause] I believe that he can sweep away the refuse of lies in New York City, and for a season in a moment, give every man, woman and child an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I believe He can touch our generation again. [applause] I believe he can give courage to the members of government in the Senate and Congress who are Christians to finally stand up and declare who they are in Christ. [applause]

    I believe it because he's the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn't change. [applause] I believe that the wonders of God begin in his church. I believe the salvation arm that churches can be filled again with the presence of God and with people seeking Him, and Methodists, Lutheran, Baptist, even the Catholic Church, God can fill. I believe it. I stand and stake my life on it.

    I give my life to this city and to this cause of God in our generation. I believe it with everything in me. Enough apologizing. Enough shying away. Enough cowering. Enough trying to explain away the power of God. [applause] I believe that I can cross Jordan and go from death to life. I believe it with all of my heart. I believe I can have the promises of God. I can inherit the life that is mine in Christ. I believe it with everything in my heart.

    I believe that every Jericho in my life must come down when Jesus is at the center of my heart. [applause] I don't care how thick the walls are. I don't care how long it's been there. I don't care how much it mocks God. If I'm willing to trust God to hold my peace and let Him fight my battle, every power of hell is going to come down. [applause] Hallelujah. Hallelujah to the lamb of God. Lord, we bless your holy name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. [applause]

    I believe, I believe, I believe. With all my heart, I believe. I thank God for the journey that I've had these last 35 or so years, but that's in the past. I don't live there. I live today and tomorrow where God's going to take me. I believe the best wine is saved for the end of the feast. I believe it with all of my heart. [applause] It starts with us. It starts if we're going to be a blessing to the world. It starts in the Church of Jesus Christ.

    It starts with the people of God. It starts with somebody somewhere that just says, "I believe God. I believe the Word of God, and for the glory of God and for the souls of men, I'm going to get up, and I'm going to go into this battle and believe that Jesus Christ is going to be glorified." Let the miracle begin with you. Let it begin with you. I'm talking to every person who's facing something for which you see no natural solution.

    You're facing something that no matter how much you try, no matter your resources, your promises, all these things you can't get out and you can't get in in your own strength. You can't change it. There's no natural solution. I want to ask you to do something today. Prove God. Prove Him. In the Old Testament, he says, "Bring the tithes into the storehouse and prove me if I will not open the windows of blessing."

    Well, I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about you. Tithe yourself to the work of God. Bring your life, no matter how many sets of hands it's gone through, whether it was spent for righteous or unrighteous purposes, whether it was appreciated or marginalized, whether it looks like it's of great value or of no value. Bring your life to God. Tithe your life. Tithe your strength. Tithe your future to God, and watch the windows of heaven open to you.

    The strength of Christ becomes yours. He begins to take you line by line, step by step, image by image, bit by bit. By the word and the Spirit of Almighty God, you begin to change. There's a testimony born inside of you, and when that testimony is born, go with him into this promise of life, and strength and provision, and go with him to other people. Tell them that what God did for me, God can do for you. That's the gospel of Jesus Christ. [applause]

    For too many years, we relegated evangelism to a program because God was hardly doing anything in the lives of the people, but when God is at work, you don't need a pamphlet or a program as wonderful as that might be. You can't help but tell people, "I've got to tell you what God has done for me, and what he's done for me, he can do for you." [applause] Let the miracle begin. "Sanctify yourself, Joshua said, for tomorrow, the Lord will do wonders among you."

    Sanctify means just set your mind to walking with God. Make a decision. I'm not living like this anymore. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not walking like this anymore. I'm not cowering under this anymore. Sanctify yourself, for tomorrow, the Lord will do wonders among you. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. [applause] Lord, I'm asking you today to unlock prison doors. Give sight to those who are spiritually blind.

    Give strength to those that are weak. Give joy to those that are filled with sorrow. Give hope to the hopeless. Destroy the works of the devil. God Almighty, I'm asking you to do what you've sewn into my heart and what I fully believe your word tells us. Lord, do the miraculous again in your church, and let it begin in us, issues of the heart, issues of the life. God set us free to live for you. Father, I thank you for this with everything in me in the unmatchable name of Jesus.

    I want to give an altar call in Roxbury, in the annex, here in the main sanctuary, and for those that are listening at home, for those who are at home, you can either stand where you are or get on your knees in your living room, but I want to challenge you. This is the time to live for Christ. If you're in a battle, and you don't know any way out, prove God now.

    I believe I'm speaking on behalf of what I'm reading in the text of scripture, prove Him. Bring the tithe of your life to Christ. No matter what kind of a mess you are in, bring it to him and watch him begin to unravel it. Let's stand please. If that's you, come. Please just join me at this altar as we worship for a season. Just come. In the balcony, go to either exit. In the annex, you could step between the screens, if you will.

    Just come. Not enough to say you believe. You have to believe. Move your feet forward to what God has for you.

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    Wounded in the House of My Friends

    Neil Rhodes

    Many of us have faced tragic events that have a lasting impact on our lives. When we are wounded or offended by those closest to us it can change our perception and affect our decision-making. Take your cry to the Lord. He hears you and will deliver you. Only God can take your hurt and turn it into salvation, healing and grace. God's glory comes when His people are allowed to come into His house and be touched by Him, no matter their circumstances.


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  • Seventeen Words That Will Change Your Life Forever

    Seventeen Words That Will Change Your Life Forever

    Gary Wilkerson

    In this powerful sermon, Gary Wilkerson passionately illustrates how God's ability transcends human limitations. He focuses on God's promise to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, encouraging Christians to bring their struggles, pains, and hopes to Jesus. Through scriptural references and real-life examples, Gary highlights the importance of faith and trusting in God's infinite power and grace, even when circumstances seem insurmountable.

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  • Mercy


    Carter Conlon

    God is a God of mercy, far beyond your mercy, far beyond mine. There is an incredible depth, an immeasurable depth to the provision that He has made for our failure, our day to day failure, our struggles and our trials. Jesus did not come because He felt some legal obligation to redeem us. He came because He is a God of mercy, a God of compassion! Mercy will fill our churches, mercy will touch our pastors again in New York City, mercy will cause the churches in Christ in this city to start feeding the hungry again, mercy will bring the presence of God into our prayer meetings.

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  • Jesus, Our Great High Priest

    Jesus, Our Great High Priest

    Gary Wilkerson

     "Priest" is not a word you hear very often in the evangelical church, but in Hebrews Jesus is referred to as our great high priest. He is a supernatural high priest who is not limited by the natural world. Jesus is a sympathetic high priest who deals mercifully with our sin. Through His Sonship we are adopted and grafted into the family of God and we become the Father's beloved children. He is a supplicating and suffering high priest who acts as our advocate before God. Christ is our one and only source—of hope, joy and eternal salvation.

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  • Bright Hope

    Bright Hope

    Gary Wilkerson

    In Genesis, we see that, because of man's sin in the garden, pain and sorrow will be multiplied in the earth all the days of our lives. Many preach today that the atonement—Christ's sacrifice on the cross—now means no more sorrow, sickness or poverty, but that is not the case. We don't need a Savior to make us wealthy or to keep us healthy. We need a Savior because we are totally depraved sinners headed to hell. Don't confuse the covenant promises of God with His mercy and favor. In His love and grace toward us He does provide, heal and bring us joy; but we are not promised that there will never be pain, sorrow or difficulties in our lives.

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  • It is Time for the Lord to Work

    It is Time for the Lord to Work

    Carter Conlon

    You and I must contend for truth. We must get into this book [the Bible] and make the choice that these words are going to guide my life. These words rightfully divided; these words in full balance. Scripture interpreting scripture, studying, understanding; this is the guide for my life!

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  • Now That the Victory Is Won?

    Now That the Victory Is Won?

    Gary Wilkerson

    Christ won the victory for us on the cross—now what? Does that mean that we will not have problems or have to face difficulties? Not at all. You can count on your enemies gathering against you, but stand firm in your faith. Your victory is not your own, but comes from a Deliverer. God is not asking you to be a hero, He is your hero. The giant—Satan, sin and death—was defeated by Christ. Trust in the strength and delivering power of Jesus.

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  • Can God Speak to You

    Can God Speak to You

    Carter Conlon

    The guarantee I have of the future is that my heart stays open and that God can speak to me because He knows the end from the beginning. If I refuse to walk in truth and humble myself before God, none of this will ever belong to me. Can God go after that issue of the heart? Can God go after that practice in your life? Can He? Or will you reject His counsel?

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  • Have You Been Set Free?

    Have You Been Set Free?

    Gary Wilkerson

    Have you been set free? Are you living day to day like you are free in Christ? Or are you racked with guilt, shame and condemnation? When you accepted Christ as your Savior you were set free. You became a new creation. And Jesus implanted His righteous in you. It isn't something you're working toward or something that comes and goes based on how righteous you're feeling. Beloved, it's time to walk in the freedom and victory that Jesus won for you on the cross.

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